Reviews for The Future Is Always Beginning Now
unknow98 chapter 3 . 8/30/2012
could box come from natsume as well as the alice stone?hes the only one with crimson alice stone and fire alice
I'mJustaFan chapter 11 . 6/11/2012
Pleeeeeeeaaaase update i'm dyyyying for an update its been so loooooooong, (why i'm acting like this is because I love your story, I've been shouting 'SO CUTE, DAMN' while reading you story hahaha i even slap the legs of someone beside me hahahaha) I LOVE YOUR STORY, though i don't like the fact that persona died...?
Xsunsetx chapter 11 . 9/6/2011
Plz update soon this is like the best story ever!
xXxSkyLifexXx chapter 11 . 9/5/2011
Gah, I almost lost hope you would ever update this thing! NICE CHAPTER BY THE WAY!
pwenie chapter 11 . 9/5/2011
Yup, she thinks youre a cowars :c update soon!
yue679 chapter 11 . 9/5/2011
Oh my gosh, I have just been having luck today with finding good stories! This is such an awesome story. It's so well written, and I love the relationships between the characters :) I especially like all the emotions that this fanfic made me feel, oh my goodness, I'm pretty sure I teared up in one part, I just can't remember which one hahaha

Keep updating! This is an awesome story and I can't wait to read how the whole mystery of their past unravels!


AmethystScientist chapter 11 . 9/5/2011
Awesome! Please update soon! 8)
xSapphirexRosesxFanx chapter 11 . 9/5/2011
now what is missing is for Natsume to talk without fighting with Mikan. the gang really need to talk of what they'll do.


please UPDATE really soon!


please UPDATE really soon!


please UPDATE really soon!

Nessie-san chapter 11 . 9/4/2011
This chapter was very good, especially Mikan at the end. It showed the remnants of her personality from when she was ten/eleven ("How could my best friend think that of me?" XD), and it also showed her pain and uncertainty. I'm not quite sure Ruka would have said all that, but their banter was very good, and even reminiscent of when, in the anime, after Natsume says Mikan's name for the first time, they acknowledge each other as contenders for her love. Very well done, and please don't take so long to update as you did this time. I'm not one to judge (I'm HORRIBLE about keeping up with my stories), but I had almost forgotten about the story at all, let alone remembering what had been going on. Nevertheless, thank you for updating ) It made me happy -
pwenie chapter 10 . 2/7/2011
yo twin chapter 10 . 1/4/2011
I likey! I'm sorry I' so late; I had internet problems. Computers are dumb. Anyways I like the chapter. USAGI-CHAN! Such cute. Such utter cute! I was happy. And bunny boy. That was quite amusing. So, Mikan's decided she doesn't want her memories, has she? Why do I get the feeling that she'll be changing her mind soon? And who is sending the Alice stones? I'll find out soon, I hope.
HoshinaYuki chapter 10 . 1/2/2011
GO! Natsume! use your guilty attack! chapter 10 . 1/2/2011
so *fallen in love with story*

but i can't seem to ever get an account or stay signed in

or remember passwords, or get a new one. meh yeah. so could you please e-mail me when you update?

madi chapter 10 . 12/27/2010
Write more chapters. It is an awsome story, it realy grabed my plot is realy good too. Keep writing for this story!
Kylee-Cat chapter 10 . 12/26/2010
I can understand Mikan not wanting to remember since thie first memories she gets back are of pain and death. However, I stand with Natsume that she is a coward. You have to face your past and know it, understand it, before you can move on to the future. Or else you'll always be slightly empy and lost. This was a great update and I look forward to seeing what everyone will choose. I also hope Mikan makes up with Natsume.
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