Reviews for Catch my heart before it shatters
Evalyre chapter 31 . 9/11/2015
Inspite my not very good english (because i'm french) I wanted to say you that I A-DO-RED this story, every lines, every words! Exactly what I missed in the TV show! ( like every chryedians I supposed) So much tenderness, so much lovely scenes, so much love! And so closed of the "real" characters. So, THANK YOU for this very sweet moments I had to read you! So Much!
ChryedGuy chapter 31 . 7/12/2012
Zoetjetoch... I'm a nonfiction writer, but I'm not finding words just now. Perhaps simple is best.

Thank you. This story is a great gift. I resisted reading it as Christian and Syed's story resonates in my gut. And I knew that there would be darkness. There was (many thanks for the editorial warning by the way). And it was painful. It was also realistic, and Christian's expected departure plunged Syed into a crucible. I felt those passages in my bones. I do not think that you are a gay man, but your writing inhabited one in that chapter. I am one. I know.

I came out to my religious, Southern American family at 17. Like Syed I needed them. In my soul I needed them. I was emerging from years of repression and self-hatred. They turned on me much as Syed's parents did. Their anger was like the breath of Hell. Coming out to myself, though, had tempered something in me. It gave me the strength-just-to defy them. I left before they could throw me out or lock me up. I will never forget the euphoria, the sense of liberation I felt riding my ten speed bike away from that house. Syed's departure was different, but your expression of his feelings of liberation was deeply familiar. You are an impressively gifted writer. Do not stop writing. Please.

There is rather less weighty feedback that I squirrelled away as I read. I'll offer it as time permits.

Thank you again for this gift.
ArcticLizard89 chapter 12 . 6/20/2012
Ahem. Those cookies are on their way.
ArcticLizard89 chapter 8 . 6/20/2012
This hurts so much. You're killing me here. I'm sat in my room curled up in the corner of my couch bawling my eyes out. There better be a happy ending or you get no virtual cookies. I'll be too depressed to virtually bake them.
Afan chapter 31 . 6/20/2012
A nice happy a really wonderfully written story!
Afan chapter 26 . 6/20/2012
Such a heart-wrenching yet beautiful chapter. So sad this is reality too...hopefully in time we all learn to love more and judge less.
Afan chapter 23 . 6/18/2012
"Between us lie the remnants of our breakfast, and what I feel are the remnants of our lives"...that line got to me so much, you are such a fabulous wordsmith, an amazing poet, I can't say enough of what a truly wonderful writer you are.
Afan chapter 7 . 6/10/2012
wow...if Syed had only said all that in the show, explained this way why he did what he did in choosing to not disappoint his family, it would have made what he did a little better, not much, but at least we could understand better. Wonderfully written.
lovebites123 chapter 31 . 1/11/2012
Brilliant story. Sad its ended :'-(
m2013 chapter 31 . 11/30/2011
Hi Zoetje, huge Congratulations on finishing your fic! It's a brilliant achievement, such a superb story and writing -and I say that having admittedly only read half of it yet...but that half was so good! I'm really looking forward to finding a peaceful moment soon to sit down and indulge in reading the rest of the story, as I know it will deserve proper attention and enjoyment -I'm sure it will be similarly superb! Sorry this review is late. Thanks again. xx
I just love yaoi chapter 31 . 11/23/2011
"What reward?" "Oh good, you forgot" Syed smiled. "No problem then" Syed didn't even attempt to stifle the giggle in his throat. "Sy…." Christian sounded dangerously calm


"Then improvise!" i love these two!

and, WOW! Syed should improvise more often! lol

"I didn't know who I was before you came along" he admitted softly, "And now I do" awww i wish i had someone i could say that to :)

NO! ! :( i knew it had to end at some point.. but still..! i'm not exagerating when i say that this story is the best i ever read, i love it, and i love you for creating it and posting it :)

i'm glad to see you'll write more stories in the future, you've got a talent, and i'd love to read more from my favorite writer of all times: you! :)

it's perfect! I especially loved it from here:

"It's yours," Syed whispered huskily. "I'm all yours, Christian" He shuddered under Christian's gentle hands.

"So... What do you intend to do with me?" he whispered.


it's beautiful from when Christian asks for Syed

I loved the nerves, the reassurance, your wonderful way of letting us feel their emotions, their love fore each other

the tendernness the passion... it was so intense

LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! their connection is so clearly displayed on that first and last verse

I'm a bit sad that "Catch my heart before it shatters" is complete, but I'm really happy it's not the last story! :)
Clarkeyfangirl chapter 31 . 11/19/2011
Thank you so very much for this, my dearest!

I totally understand that you're feeling a bit sentimental publishing the last chapter... But what a chapter it is!I really, really, really liked it so much, and I think it’s beautiful and emotional, but also a bit fun and teasing (and HOT!), just as is should be!

Basically I think it's the perfect way to finish this story. It follows so naturally from what you’ve had happen before in the story, it all feels very natural and I can see it before me which always is a good thing.

Loved the way you added the little teasing in the beginning (minxy Syed, sweet and super hot at the same time!), we know our Tiger!Syed! I also very much loved the symbolism of the whole chapter (you know I’m a sucker for symbols!); Syed is taking the next step in his life, leaving the pretending behind and in the process becoming stronger and so much more confident in himself. This is beautifully examplified with what you write about how Syed's not embarrassed in his own body anymore, but much more secure and self assured. It is also of course symbolised in the lovemaking itself (we never, ever say no to some hot, hot, hot and lovely hotness as well /Not a perv ;p *eek*). Absolutely lovely it was!

As well as a fantastically symbolic chapter you also had a beautiful composition within the chapter itself, and I loved it! The little circular composition you’ve got going on with the beginning with Christian’s thoughts and the end with Syed’s about the same thing, how amazing they feel it is that they've found each other is wonderful. It says very much about how connected they are, how good they are for each other, and simply how right they are for each other, despite what anyone else might think!Just a little aaaaawww at that, it's such a lovely and beautiful way to show that.

Thank you so much, in short! My reviews never live up to ypur chapters, but I want you to know that I have enjoyed, loved and appreciated this story so, so, so much. And I'm so glad that you have another story on the way... eventually!

Oh, and did I say thank you ;)?/xxxxxxxxxxxxx
lee82 chapter 31 . 11/17/2011
Awesome writing. Loved the story.
lee82 chapter 31 . 11/17/2011
Awesome writing. Loved the story.
Jennafleur chapter 31 . 11/14/2011
Wow. That What a chapter to end on! Thank you very much for this, and for the whole fic! You've done an amazing job with it (as these other reviews will testify) and I'm kinda sad it's over now! Bossy Syed, desperate Christian - guh, it was just gorgeous! And the ending...*wells up* just stunning! I love how you write their love for each other, it really is just the sweetest thing! :)

More multichapter Chryed fic...well, I like the sound of that ;)

Once again, thank you!

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