Reviews for Fragaria Vesca
xHelgaSinclairx chapter 18 . 5/4/2015
Update please! IchiRuki! Love u!
yuiyuki chapter 18 . 9/9/2014
This story is fantastic! Besides that, tatsuki finally got the punishment that she deserves..yeay! But I wish it was more than that..haha like byakuya killing her and inoue! #Just kidding..? Btw please continue this fanfict! Its really good
ChosenDude chapter 18 . 10/28/2012
I loved every part of it!

wynnsy chapter 18 . 4/1/2012
Wow, your strawberry facts are amazing: from the cherokee myth to their nitrate content...they make me want to go eat one right now. I think you're spoiling us from how Ichigo was smitten from the start and how beautiful Rukia is (inside and out). I would like to read more so please update! I think Byakuya has a right to know what happened to Rukia...
ej chapter 18 . 1/3/2012
update update update is a trivia on strawberry:

La Trinidad, Benguet is known as the "Strawberry Capital" or the "Strawberry Fields in the Philippines. Strawberries cultured in the province are of different varieties. The "Sweet Charlie" from Argentina is the current market bestseller, and the "Festival" and "Camarosa" from California.
darklover chapter 18 . 1/4/2011
This story is really good and I'm definitely enjoying it. I love your little random facts about strawberries and how the chapters are named after plants. That's creative. Tatsuki in love with Ichigo was definitely a surprise, and the beating, of course, was awful. Tatsuki would have probably been jealous if Orihime had ended dating Ichigo, maybe even beat her up probably.

I like how you write Urahara, he's so funny. Good job so far and I'm looking forward to the confrontation between Ichigo and Byakuya. I would have to say this is the third time I've read in a fic that Isshin is wanting Ichigo to hold off on the grandkids lol. As a responsible father, he should think like that since Ichigo is a teen, but still I love the crazy antics of his silly persona.

Anyways til next time,

LittleRuu chapter 9 . 12/26/2010
Uwaa! They kissed! And they are not even officially date yet! 3

Anyway, I'm short (below 5ft) but I wear flat shoes cuz I'm a really clumsy person. My family & friends keep teasing me about wearing something more feminine. Like 3 inches heel or wedges. Meh.
LittleRuu chapter 8 . 12/26/2010
LMAO! Short little boobs? xDDD
LittleRuu chapter 4 . 12/26/2010
lol. You know, there is this manga, the hero name is Orange. And he has a crush on a girl named Apple. Am not kidding. xD
LittleRuu chapter 1 . 12/26/2010
What the fish? I don't know why I just found this story today. But oh well, at first I kinda clicked it cuz I know Fragaria Vesca is a type of strawberry... and it's in the same family of rose (took botany in my first semester. lol) So yeah, that kinda attract me to the story. But then, after I read chapter one, I think I shall click the next button like, now. The intro chapter seemed interesting. :)
Tsukiei chapter 18 . 12/22/2010
Thanks for update. I really like the confrontation betwwn Tatsuki and Ichigo. Especially how Ichigo points out to Tatsuki that his love for Rukia is genuine. And I laughed at the end as Rukia reminded Ichigo that he had to Byakuya for permission to court her. LOL. It'd be more fun to watch Ichigo and Byakuya bickering on this matter. Hope to see you again soon next year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
aizi chapter 18 . 12/22/2010
Graet chapter. I'm happy Ichigo didn't hit her, that would be wrong, but I don't think this is somthing that could be easily forgiven. I know I'm repeating my self and going back a few cahpters... but It was planned, that's what annoyes me the most. I mean how can she say "It wasn't suppose to happen. Things just got carried away." They weren't planing on going shopping What were they planing to do then, That it wasn't supposed to happen?

Ok now that that's out of the way. I'm really happy you updated I forgot to put you on my Favs and was afried I missed a chapter.

Pleas up date soon.
erning chapter 18 . 12/21/2010
I understand that even they are friends in years, Ichigo cannot let go of his anger to Tatsuki because of the cruelty and out of mind things she did to Rukia.

I hope Ichigo will forgive her.

Rukia is so sweet and she really isn't selfish. I giggled when I read the reasons why he really loved Rukia and I loved the end of this chapter.
Aizawa Li Syaoran Vessalius chapter 18 . 12/21/2010
if i think again about tatsuki's reason, i feel pity for her

she's in love with ichigo, but she's sacrificed her feeling for orihime

hope they will back in good terms again

Urikaa chapter 18 . 12/21/2010
Liked the Tatsuki-Ichigo confrontation: well done!
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