Reviews for Twisted Fate
jublivecity21 chapter 1 . 7/28/2013
Labor bossness
worthlesswbu chapter 1 . 12/28/2010

For MONTHS. MONTHS. I have been searching EVERYWHERE for this fanfiction! I started reading it a long while ago, when I was new to fanfiction, and didnt know about favoriting. So I kind of lost it... but I remembered some lines of it, like (I forgot her name was Alexis) "she is the girliest person you will ever meet" so, I searched that on google, with the words "Percy Jackson and the Olympians Fanfiction" next to it and BOOM I found it! YAY! You don't know how happy I was when I found it... I recognized it and I was like "O: YESSSS!"

Eh hem, anyway, good chapter!
pennilee chapter 22 . 11/26/2010

pennilee chapter 21 . 11/23/2010
OOO... you finally updated~! Also, I was just wondering, but Luke and Natalie got some age differences, right? I mean, it's just peculiar to have someone like someone with that much of an age difference, and this chapter is kind of rushed. Try to slow down a bit.

Titanlunatic chapter 20 . 9/23/2010
I thought that guy would be Ethan Nakamura (he's jap right? 'cause Nakamura sounds kinda Japanese)...

Lol, titan's are very weird...

pennilee chapter 20 . 9/16/2010
pennilee chapter 19 . 9/9/2010
pennilee chapter 18 . 8/29/2010
OOO! Suspense!

I really love this story!

I hope you will keep going!

Don't let Luke or Annabeth or Percy or Nico die please!

Keep going!

pennilee chapter 17 . 8/25/2010
I love the story. But, I always like to friendly CC's (constructive critism) well... don't be afraid, read on.

Your grammar, it probably needs just some help, but.. it's pretty good.

Also, your spelling are pretty good, I love it.

I thought Persephone was nicknamed "The Iron Queen" that means you should make her a bit harsher. But.. I think you did pretty fine making her harsh.

You got good length, like around 1000 per a chapter, great job. People love it if it's at least 1000 words.

You don't write big blobs words, I was glad you didn't. That is the most thing that pops my sanity bubble and starts making me do awful flames and bangs my head on the desk.

You really got the potential to become a writer.

You can do it!

LittleJames chapter 1 . 8/25/2010
"I don't know if she thought it would make me a brighter person, but there was no chance of that. I was paler two times paler then a Cullen, and had long blond curly hair. But what stood out most about me were my gray-almost-black eyes. Oh, and that I was semi-gothic. I wasn't in to all that Edgar Allan Poe stuff, or acting like the world is so drab."

Andromache Andy Michaels 6-26 chapter 12 . 7/28/2010
Wow, I'm surprised. I really like this story! And more or less your right about Nico's age (13) unless you count those 70 some years in the Lotus Hotel, but I really don't think those years matter.
TheJazzyDolphin chapter 9 . 7/3/2010
Wow, that was random… Funny, but random.

Who knew there were such weird dreams?
memesandbrokendreamslmaokai chapter 6 . 6/26/2010
luke is twenty three fyi so i think he is too old for natalie. no offense but a fifteen yr old crushing on a 23 yr old guy?
memesandbrokendreamslmaokai chapter 1 . 6/26/2010
uh... in tlo percy made the gods swear to claim their children by the time they were thirteen, so didn't some gods break it?
nickyd chapter 5 . 6/26/2010
I love this story amazing Make more