Reviews for Winning Drew's Heart
dooski chapter 1 . 4/22/2006
Excuse me, i actually know Jacob from this show, he is a personal friend of mine. I don't appreciate you saying he is gay, he is definitely NOT, and I can't believe you wrote this about him, even if it is just a fanfic. Are you forgetting, this isn't just a character on some show, he is a real person! Write your fantasies about CHARACTERS in the future, not real people.
Miss Whatsit chapter 1 . 9/7/2004
Heh. I'm still laughing at the people who flamed you. This is a genuinely good story, and everyone who has a problem with it shouldn't have read it at all. But I dunno. I don't think they were smart enough to do so, judging by what they wrote.

I like your story a lot. I only saw Moolah Beach once or twice, but I liked your story regardless. Keep writing great stories! :)
Drew Luna chapter 1 . 11/17/2002
that is so mean for people to call me gay
tawd chapter 1 . 9/28/2002
zapid chapter 1 . 9/21/2002
Awwwww, that was sweet, I liked it. You could have done a better job on the ending, but that's okay. Anways, give it up you haters! Did you not read the pairing? For goodness sake. And not all people that write slash are gay/lesbian/whatever. I'm not. Phew, I've been wanting to get that out. Anyways, good job! Keep writing.
Narnvaire chapter 1 . 8/12/2002
I don't know anything about Moolah Beach and I'm not a lesbian, but one of (if not)my best friends happens to chose that lifestyle so it kinda upset me, those comments. Just remember, they are probably 12 year old little girls "omg he is lyk sooo hott!' Which means diddly squat. And they're cowards, as well, as they left no way to trace them. Marissa, that lovely little hater, gave you a name atleast. No e-mail and no account so you could go mock her sweat and tears... but oh well.

Anyhow... onto pleasenter things...

I like your writing style and the happy little romantic inside of me loves your ending, so NEH! :) Keep writing, it's not like we matter anyway. It's a part of you, after all.
Lavenderangel chapter 1 . 8/1/2002
There are a lot of slash fics out there, and a lot of people flame them because of that. I don't like them, but I'm not trying to flame this.

The style was good, liked the style. The ending wasn't the best, wasn't the worst. But the coupling got to me. You say they're your favorite guys on the show, but why does that have to make them a couple? Ron and Harry are my two favorite guys from Harry Potter, but that doesn't mean I like them as a couple.

Sorry, I know this review was pointless, but I wanted you to know what I thought.
ilovedrew chapter 1 . 6/14/2002
I love this story I think it was great mainly because me being gay and I always wanted to kiss Drew also fuck him myself.
j chapter 1 . 6/4/2002
whats up with boys with boys? how about girls liking boys, geez you people... not everyone in this world is gay ya know
A Slash Writer chapter 1 . 6/3/2002
I read the story...I love it and all the homophobic people who said that you were gay because you wrote this story are idiots. I mean that too, cause I'm a lesbian and it's really insulting that you have to be gay/lesbian if you write slash stories. To all you homophobes: Does that mean if someone writes a story that isnt slash that they are straight? Sorry to burst your little bubble, but that's not right and it's considerably rude. I hope that all of you get slapped in the face with reality when you get into the big world. Had to tell people what i thought there.
Michael chapter 1 . 6/2/2002
Like the story and I don't care if it is true if they are gay then there still hummans just like use we shouldn't make fun of people feel bad about who they are.I think it's not conry or any thing like that, it was cool and if you poeple reading this and think I'm gay go right head and think that beacuse I dont care!
What chapter 1 . 6/1/2002
Is that true
i hate this chapter 1 . 5/29/2002
it was soo stupid how can u even write bout that... i kno it is fiction but still... .t hat could really hurt some one... drew is hot don't ever say that o0o and soo is clark and soo is kyle... i m a girl soo that is ok... if i sisn't kno ne better i would think u r gay
i hate this chapter 1 . 5/29/2002
it was soo stupid how can u even write bout that... i kno it is fiction but still... .t hat could really hurt some one... drew is hot don't ever say that o0o and soo is clark and soo is kyle... i m a girl soo that is ok... if i sisn't kno ne better i would think u r gay
gina chapter 1 . 5/28/2002
I hated it not that your bad writer,but i was so in love with Drew!I have a ?for this a true story, because i dont want it to be please Write back i need to know and by the way how old is Drew? Because he looks like he is 14 or 15,not college sry too say but i hate you for this if it is true.I LOVE DREW I LOVE DREW I LOVE DREW I LOVE DREW I LOVE DREW I LOVE DREW.I want to make him strait ,Do you know him cause if you do give him my E-mail address,and can you give me his please

Yours Truly,

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