Reviews for Forward to Time Past
Guest chapter 38 . 1/9/2017
"As much as Kagome wishes for you to address her in such a familiar manner, the same does not apply to me," Sesshomaru gave Motsushi a meaningful glance. "You will refer to me with my rightful title." "I understand completely," Motsushi confirmed, "Sesshomaru KUN." LOL! Only Sess would order respect from a Spirit/Kami...

This starts out pretty good despite it being 1st person POV story (sorry most tend to be bad) but improves vastly halfway to a really great story at the end. In the beginning, there were a bit too many “I”s and story also gets confusing sometimes as it’s unclear who’s who. Sometimes I realize it’s deliberately withheld information to keep the suspense eg when Nagaiki and Motsushi speak of “he’s and she’s and them’s” (but this scene was well written, noteworthy that it was 3rd person POV and not 1st - haha) but other times it’s just confusing eg c7 when Kagome reminisces on the final battle with Naraku, it’s confusing what happened to whom. I only got that Sango and Miroku seem to have been taken down and in the end she and Inuyasha were the only ones standing (but I thought Inuyasha had been taken down as “the one closest to her heart was taken down”?) but no idea what Inuyasha was doing after she made the wish to get her feeling at ease…and these are all my guesses only. It’s frustrating as it’s arising from confusing writing (those paragraphs are a cacophony of “I” “he” and “she” and not a single name) rather than being strategically ambiguous to hold back key info. It turned so much better halfway when you switched to 3rd person as the writing turned much smoother.

The story’s very interesting and the mystery intriguing. You’ve got Kag going back to feudal era and avoiding the inutachi, and future SessKag going back to 2010. Things really heat up with 2nd K bumps into Kouga before her first self does…and when her group bumps into Inuyasha’s group. The only thing is drabbles doesn’t work well with this complex plot. Short drabble paragraphs jumping from scene to scene (big jumps too) feels like everything just broken up and doesn’t flow smoothly as a story which is a pity cuz it’s very good with potential to be a great, epic story. I understand you were too busy to write longer chapters though and I certainly appreciated your occasional long chapters. Your writing was improving a lot near the end too and the mystery built up very well. It’s a very unique story you’ve got going here and great job for your first SessKag fic! I hope you’re well and you don’t give up on this story. It would be lovely to see this one finished. Thank you for sharing! BTW, Sess only proposes to her in 2013? So it took them 500 years to get together?! Haha, longest courting ever!
Meeshkla18 chapter 38 . 12/15/2015
Thank you sooooo much! I looooved it!
Thank you for putting when it is to it did get a bit confusing sometimes and although we get to see the future the past/present relationship of Sessh and Kags is suuuuuuuper amazing lolz
Than you so much for the update can't wait to read more:))
Best wishes and regards
Andthecowgoesmoo chapter 38 . 12/15/2015
Welcome back! :)
Andthecowgoesmoo chapter 37 . 12/10/2015
I have to say, this story, out of the (literal) thousands I have read, is in my top ten, which is HORRIBLE because you haven't updated in years! I'm going to follow it and continue to hold out hope that you will pick it back up eventually (a girl can dream!) because it is seriously awesome!
GiggleboxGirlie chapter 37 . 10/30/2012
Ohmigosh ohmigosh ohmigosh! I AM CRAZY about this one! Please please oh please update again soon.

Xoxo. Gigglebox Girlie
Bloodywaterfall chapter 37 . 9/21/2012
wonderful i love it
kristina.m.haynes.3 chapter 37 . 9/20/2012
I am very much enjoying your story, you have a way to wrap a reader into your story. I also enjoy how you put things from the show into the story yet make the story your own. I am very much looking forward to more chapters and seeing where you will take the story:)
Guest chapter 1 . 9/11/2012
Cool cool cool
Frainke chapter 35 . 1/4/2012
Wow I just started reading this today and I just love it Thank you
grace days three chapter 35 . 1/4/2012
Very good chapter I like this sessh he is nice. Can't wait for the next one
grace days three chapter 34 . 12/30/2011
The whole time travel is a bit confusing but I like that Ron is now in the picture. I absolutely adore rin she is soooo cute.
rayningnight chapter 34 . 12/30/2011
Yay! You actually put Rin in there for me! :P And it makes even more sense that the little seven-year-old thought he was an Angel fallen from the sky just for her! :) I just love the lil' gal...

Anyway, can't wait for the next update!


PS: Maybe you should try and recap a bit before jumping into the story in the later chapters... I kinda forgot why Sesshomaru was injured until I went back two chapters...

PSS: OR you could just ignore my comment and keep going with this awesome story! :P
Serendipity's tears chapter 34 . 12/30/2011
I find it a little confusing that you're adding the western term of (angel) for a story based in Japan. Rin would have absolutely no idea what an angel was. Perhapse she might have thought him one of the lesser guardian kami? _~
rayningnight chapter 33 . 12/26/2011
W-wait a second! Isn't this (well, last chapter I mean) where Sesshomaru meets Rin! You aren't going to take her out of the story are you?

This story is getting really really good, and I really like it! Oh why do you have to write in drabbles... I just started reading today, and I miss your full length chapters from the beginning. It just makes it more... story-like, and I guess fulfilling.

Anyway, I have one thing to say.

AWWWWWWWWWW. Sesshy is so sweet on Kagome in the 'future' :P I love this couple! And you made it so interesting... I wonder how their 'future' selves knew about the Keepers of Time...


PS: Could you stop doing drabbles and make full chapters? Or do you just not have the time any more?
ScarletEyezInfinit chapter 33 . 12/20/2011
darn i have been waiting for an update to this very interesting story. i do hope you update still its been some time anyways i wish you luck with the story if you decide to continue i know you might not have allot of reviews but be sure this is very well written so far.
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