Reviews for surrender the sun
Penguinruru chapter 6 . 12/10/2017
I love this pairing so much!**
And I cried at the previous chapters!Q_Q

For this chapter I love it how you described the wall of glass!**
Dev.Fox chapter 1 . 1/24/2016
wow Just realized when this was last updateddamn
Dev.Fox chapter 7 . 1/24/2016
I like this story a lot. it's really relaxing to read but in a very strange way. I've felt dull and tired of everything all day. I've felt like my emotions are gone but much more sensitive at the same time. I feel like that's how Uni feels and that makes her relatable right now. but despite how I feel, tears have been slowly but consistently falling from my eyes, it's oddly comforting. that's how this story is relaxing, because it's comforting. thank you. I look foreword to future chapters.
Byakurai Arashi chapter 7 . 1/12/2013
your stort is simply AMAZING!... i totally love it!...the settings,the atmosphere and the mood are soo awesome!..please update as soon as you can ..i really cant wait for the next chapter :) :)
SilverFalkin118 chapter 7 . 5/12/2011
I love this story! It was beautifully written and I loved it. You did a great job describing Uni and her feelings about her mother and Gamma and yeah. Love your writing! Keep up the great work. Update but take your time at it.

Arienna Natalitha chapter 1 . 10/17/2010
Uni and Gamma... and coffee? :-/ I haven't read it all coz its freaking 00.00
ShinakaStar chapter 6 . 8/27/2010
I'm so happy that Uni and Gamma talked again this time - this time with more success and with Uni taking the first step to break the melancholy and grief she's been in (albeit with some fear and reservation but that is natural). I also loved how you added Uni's thoughts about Aria and Gamma possibly knowing each other as in the following: "And if he had seen her mother, well…maybe she didn't want to know. Maybe he saw a different Aria, a side her daughter never knew. One that laughed without a care, who talked about anything without having to worry about a daughter listening. Uni wanted to be sure she was the only one who knew Aria, every trait and every fault. Be it a lie or not, it was her selfish comfort." Not only was it a beautifully worded treatment of a needy aspect of Uni's love for her mother but it was a wonderful allusion to the relationship Aria and Gamma had in the anime/manga. Lastly, I loved how the images of a glass wall and its breaking keep recurring throughout this chapter; they give the chapter a great internal consistency and help the reader understand the nature of Uni's emotions on a more visceral level.

Please write more~

variableJ chapter 6 . 8/25/2010
I wanted to say "finally" too when Uni accepted Gamma's request. Haha. Reading this story always makes me smile... I don't really know how to describe it but it's such a relaxing (?) story... I'll wish you luck on writing your future chapters!
variableJ chapter 5 . 8/25/2010
Your writing style reminds me of's rather...artistic. I really enjoy it, and this chapter was really touching...I didn't find it depressing, but that may be just me. Oh, and just a reminder "alright" is not a word. (though I really don't know why...)
ShinakaStar chapter 5 . 8/18/2010
I thought this was a very well-written introspective piece about Uni's mother and her death. It's very clear that Uni really misses her mother and wants to have her memories close to her, while still having the desire deep down to be able to move on, though she wants some sort of approval from her mother beyond the grave on when she can. Also, kudos on writing Shouichi's entrance into Uni's life believably! Lastly, I can't wait to see how your incarnation of Uni - with all her emotional "baggage", for lack of a better word x.x - starts to mesh with Gamma once they start interacting more, and Gamma (presumably) starts learning about Aria.

As always, please keep writing!~
selandora chapter 5 . 8/18/2010
why do you not have a million reviews? this is brilliant. i love your writing style, its beautiful and really emotional.

i'm looking forward to seeing what you do with this next. :) thank you for all your hard work.
ShinakaStar chapter 4 . 8/7/2010
I'm so glad we get a better look at Gamma's feelings about Uni and though the chapter was sadly on the shorter side as you said yourself, I'm happy to hear that more chapters have been planned out! I am quite curious about the two people Uni says she is going to see though. Could one of them be Tsuna? Anyways, I'm excited for what the next chapter will bring!

mundaneepitome chapter 4 . 8/7/2010
This story is gorgeous. Beyond, even. I just aslkdjf;lkajsf there is just something about your writing style that makes it so ADORABLE and so CUTE and so als;kdfj;laksjdf;lkaaauuugghhh. I'm also wrapped up in happiness that there are more Gamma/Uni shippers out there.

That said, this writing is adorable. It's so cute. Wait, I already said/typed that, but I can't help it. There's just something about it. Each of your sentences have a ipurpose/i to be written, and I just love your grammar and the way you have a tendency of forming your paragraphs. Your words are vivid, and I can envision things. I love the titles of the paragraphs, as short and sweet as they are, and I like how you let each chapter stand on its own (even if you did or did not mean for it to be like that). It's not too long, but even short, by WIP standards, but it works at a very nice pacing that leaves this kind of shivering in my stomach because it's so gorgeous that I just. I don't know.

The content of this fanfic is charmingly equivalent to the summary, which is AWESOME. But yes, everything's so pretty. The way you detail things and the way you use gorgeous words to describe things, speak life lessons, or some kind of comparison-I don't know. I DON'T KNOW. It's beautiful. GORGEOUS.

Where were you half a year ago when I wanted GammaxUni? Again, gorgeous, because that seems like it was made to describe this. asdfjkl; I need to work up on my vocabulary.

But thank you so much. This made my day. 8"D And this deserves more than just six reviews-this is QUALITY. Beautiful. Really beautiful. :
variableJ chapter 4 . 8/6/2010
hello! i happen to love this pairing and think that there are too little stories centered around the two. Also, i find your story to be much better written than many others on this excessive grammatical mistakes, typos, etc. I hope you will continue writing this because i do enjoy this story and its lack of blatant errors...
omgpink chapter 2 . 8/2/2010
Your beginning to lose me in this one. You used to have so much poetry, so many fresh insights of what it would be like to work at a cafe. But the conversation just felt empty and plotless and it got boring quickly. So much emphasis of what time it was. i couldn't really catch the point of that.
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