Reviews for His needs
Xzshin chapter 6 . 3/8/2017
Hey you promised that you'll finish this story. Could it be you forget about this story again? It's been 2 years since the last update.

About the story, it's good but there are things still left unexplained. Like since when Roxas has feeling for Sora, from the way you describe it looks like that. And then about Ven and Vanitas. And i'm curious how their confrontation will end.
A Lonely Dreamer chapter 6 . 3/13/2016
So why on earth has this not been updated in a year! I know you had a 4 year hiatus at one point but this simply will not do when this story has so much potential it screams "finish me".

First of all I love the characters, Sora the lovable brunet who deserves a proper bf, Ventus the cheating little bitch who wanted to keep Sora straggling along while he fucked Vanitas, Vanitas the smug little bastard who knows full well he a bastard and still greets Sora like nothing's up, and Roxas who is Sora's knight in shining armour (I hope!). Axel as a good friend as well as Kairi and Riku works really well, keep it up with those guys.

Now I could go on about how great you are at dialogue, descriptions, scenery, lusty yaoi moments, all of which you excel at (which is why I'm reviewing partly, duh!), but I would rather just state that this story is genuinely overall excellent. The only way to make it better in my eyes would be for more locations, more time spent on the bonding between Roxas and Sora and Ventus basically pleading for Sora's forgiveness and maybe Roxas smacking his twin senseless for being such a tool!

I would love for this story to be continued and for Sora and Roxas to be together and for all to be well, I sort of wondered if you were going to have the plot be that Roxas cheats on Sora too? The moment when Roxas says "I got uh, caught up on the way" when he's taking out the trash suggested something like that but I wasn't sure; however, you end chapter 6 by stating that Roxas basically adores Sora so I doubt that's the direction you are going in?

Anyway, I love this story, I haven't reviewed something in an age and same with f&fing a story, so please for goodness sake continue this/if you have a writer's block pm me and maybe we could take story stuff over in general and get the writing going for this again? I speak for many, many nameless users who have read this when I say:

Come back, finish this, write more, we need you! :)
Taiora14 chapter 5 . 11/10/2015
Can I just say - I'm interested in this fic? Sora and Roxas are so adorable together. Screw Ven for cheating on him. Meh.
yuki1101 chapter 1 . 8/5/2015
PLEASE CONTINUE THE STORY! Its been months since the last update!3
hold the cheese chapter 6 . 2/16/2015
I dunno if you are going to continue this since it was updated awhile ago but I just want to say that I pray you do not end this whole story on some cheesey note of Sora and Ven making up and becoming friends again because that would just be unbelievable and stupid.
The fact that Sora is relating a stolen kiss to Ven having sex with Vanitas is dumb enough.
Just. . .please don't end this great story with something like that.
MoeMoePinkNinja chapter 5 . 1/24/2015
I remember reading this long ago. I just have too say, really, REALLY please continue this! I'm literally going to murder Ven. All he texts was, 'I'm sorry' and it made my blood boil. So mad but can't wait to read more! I love this!
Guest chapter 5 . 1/8/2015
Wow, in no way did I see this coming but I am so glad for it! Welcome back! This story updating was like . . awesome heaven. You don't know how much I wanted this story to finish, and now you're here to deliver! I could just hug you so tightly. Really.

It amuses me just a little how Roxas is the super suave seme, all bleached blond and attractive tan surfer dude while Ven is the quivering little pale uke (with a new toy starting and ending suspiciously with V and S) when they're twins, but the contrast is definitely adorable! I've always considered Roxas to be the more mellow, calm and sweet one while Ventus was endlessly friendly and a drop more or less nearly as excitable as Sora, so I prefer Ven being all toppy top while Roxas was vice versa, but the characters have been tweaked a little here so I could see you're aiming for the opposite. :3 Ven failing utterly at volleyball was literally me.

And Roxas pretending to be cutesy naïve Ventus. . he's just the cutest. D: I couldn't help but laugh too when Sora was like, 'quick, please play along!' and then when he started snickering about it later. Just finish your drink, Sora, sheesh.

I'm so excited for this story! :hearts: It always makes me smile so hard when another writer comes back to their story Good work, absolutely! You deserve ten high 5s.
Guest chapter 5 . 11/26/2013
This is a really good story and I am really excited to find out what happens next! I hope you update soon!
lanadeljey chapter 5 . 5/10/2013
Omgomgomg this story is BEYOND amazing! Please post soon!
ProfessorofFiction chapter 5 . 2/6/2013
This review is in god I'm wanting to read more...I don't envy your writers block! XD

Anyway, fabulously well written, and for someone so young? Hmmm, friendly competition, I don't often see many people younger than myself on here...

Keep going...I've been hooked...and I love SoRoku stories on here!
TechnoFool chapter 5 . 11/22/2012
Will you be done with chapter 5 soon?
twinniewinibity chapter 5 . 8/4/2012
i love this story.
it's just so sweet the relationship between sora and roxas X3
and i wanna know the reason ven cheated on sora.
can't wait for the next chapter :)
iKassy chapter 5 . 1/3/2012
I can't wait! So excited for chapter 5!
iKassy chapter 2 . 1/3/2012
Woah! Pretty intense! :D
Llamas Are Sexy chapter 5 . 9/18/2011
Have you really started chapter five? bcuz I just found this story on 9/18/2011 and this authors note was posted 1/14/2011

that's almost a year with no update.

please update soon, this story is so good. i wannaknow how Sora deals with Ventus and Vanitas!

I am so glad I found this story! Oh please do update soon!
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