Reviews for Smile
Lion01 chapter 1 . 11/2/2017
It's so cute! I guess, you chose not to continue it. Well, it's a good OS anyway!
diety chapter 1 . 2/25/2013
aamazing plese keep going
The Genius Mage chapter 1 . 8/25/2010
Aw, so wonderful! I really liked it, quite a lot really. These two and Lloyd&Colette are my fave couple. Nice job, the imagery was very nice. Had a warm, fuzzy feeling to it.
Yuriell chapter 1 . 7/31/2010
It's so sweet!

I like fluffyfics like this one a lot -

It would be really awesome if you continue writing 3
Strawberry Eggs chapter 1 . 6/14/2010
Indeed, there is a huge lack of Marta/Emil stories here. I'd write one if I had any ideas and were at good at writing romance...

Well anyway, thank you so much for writing! Sure it's conflict-less and sort of plotless, but lord know how much I love fluff. X3 It is well-written, with great use of description and imagery. I thought some parts were a bit awkwardly worded ("...Marta said softly as she gazed at him through her blue eyes that were shaped in emotion that he only ever saw her hold"), but are not really bad or grammatically/structurally incorrect, and may just be me.

I quite liked how the title served as a motiff throughout the piece. I have to wonder if it refers to Marta's theme music, "Smile-Marta" as well. The story also really does a good job of capturing their relationship and their feelings for each other as well (Emil's especially, for obvious reasons).

I also really liked how their developed personalities are depicted here: Marta is far more resonable about with love of Emil and Emil is bolder. Yet there are still throwbacks to how they used to be, with Emil a bit shyly telling Marta she's pretty.

Once again, thank you so much for writing this! I really enjoyed reading it! _
Keroy chapter 1 . 6/10/2010
Yaaay, EmilxMarta. I completely agree with you that there is a severe lack of it on here, very disappointing. Buuut, this is a great addition! Very sweet, nicely written, I loved the descriptions.

So cute, I hope to see more from you. :)
AntiSora chapter 1 . 6/8/2010
Aw, that's really cute! Very nicely written, very sweet. Really good job on the descriptions, I could really picture it amazingly clearly in my mind.

You did a great job with this, and I think it has a lot of potential if you want to continue this. :3
omegafire17 chapter 1 . 6/8/2010
Awesome story :) it perfectly captures everything they once were and everything they've been through. And it explores the rarely-seen bold side of emil. (which i think is awesome)

Please, keep the story going.