Reviews for Tempest
catastrophicsakura chapter 2 . 7/2/2015
'-that the hottie doctor Matthew called him "cute".'

My fave line. XD

PLEASE CONTINUE. This has so much potential...and its quite sad that you have forgotten about it.
Minato's Legacy chapter 2 . 3/27/2014
OHMAHGERD! Pretty, pretty please with a cherry on top, update! This story is so good and I want to know what Alfred has the panic-attack over... Pleeeeaaaasssssseeee
Hinata28h chapter 2 . 11/19/2011
(W) Continue? 3 I really like this.
mari chapter 1 . 9/2/2011
PLZ CONTINUE W/ THE STORY! it was amzing and i smiled, (cried a bit) through this story! all of it i loved!
Shadow-the-Knight chapter 2 . 6/15/2011
Please update!~ Aww Alfie has a little school girl crush on Dr. Mattie~ *laughs* sooo friken cute!~
xXiMxAxPoTaToXx chapter 2 . 1/4/2011
At first I was like "Matthew pedo-ing on a 16-year-old? Wut? *unimpressed*" But I think that's just because how I was raised, and now I'm like, "cute~" So yeah...:D

I'll be following this like a hawk, so PLEASE update soon!
NightSongstress chapter 2 . 12/11/2010
Ah I love this 3

I love that Mattie is the eldest here o3o

and Alfred is just too cute!

I love that Ivan is also included, even though the bad guy

he does very well at playing that part!

plus Im also a fan of IvanxAlfred *coughcough*

BUT! im here for CanadaxAlfred goodness!

I cant wait for more :3
Utena Neo Violet chapter 2 . 12/10/2010
I love your story so far. And I'm soooo glad Arthur isn't an abuseve farther. But now I'm scared about what Russia has done. That pyco.
DovieDM-1991-Promised Wings chapter 2 . 12/10/2010
Oh My Gosh I loved this chapter you did very well. I am in suspense to know what happen to Alferd's mother and if he and hot Doc. Matthew will get a little closer to one another.

I think you did very good PetitePomme I hope to read more soon! I know it will be hard to update in the coming months but I hope that you don't leave the story hanging your on the right track with this one.

- Amaya

DovieDM-1991-Promised Wings signing out!
Mr. Sora Majiggers chapter 2 . 12/8/2010
-sniffles- i think...i think...omfg you've made my century! their both fucking adorable! Don't you dare change a thing! DX this story is only worthy of praise! please continue -sniffles- so so hard to find alfred being the uke and such a fucking cute one as that! (if he is one that is) and mattie's just as adorable. keep it uppppppppppppp ~3 -explodes into confetti-
Earth Coyote chapter 2 . 12/7/2010
Oh my goodness, this is completely and utterly adorable!

Poor Alfred, he's already falling for Matthew~. Not to mention our friend Matt is already smitten with Alfred.

Hm, but I am a bit interested what role our dear friend Ivan will play. I love Russia, I really do, but he's just such a great villain isn't he?

I can't believe that this story hasn't broken through with double-digit reviews! D This is great, more people need to review this.

Eagerly awaiting the next chapter,

Love this chapter 1 . 12/6/2010
Love where this is going. There needs to be love for this pairing by far. Hope to see an update soon!
sakerat chapter 2 . 12/6/2010
A most excellent update my dear thank you.
Cacow chapter 1 . 9/19/2010
Wow...That was beautiful... Left me speechless... Can't wait for the next chapter
lonely-waltz chapter 1 . 7/26/2010
I'm hooked!
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