Reviews for When they were young
For the Fish chapter 65 . 11/16/2012
Hold on a moment, I just realised I made an error while typing out my theory in my review tot he previous chapter... I meant Jurian's father is Nikki's dad, if that makes sense... So Jurian is her half-brother.

Anyhow, I shall go on reading!

-Checky x
For the Fish chapter 64 . 11/16/2012
Ok, I'm going to sound odd here (when don't I sound odd?!) but I've read up to here in one day and only decided to review now because I was going to review at either chapters 32, 36 or 38 but missed all three because I was engrossed in the story and decided to wait until chapter 64 because it was twice as many chapters away from my initial idea of when I would review. I bet I sound strange here. One day, I'll sound normal :P I know you've actually finished this story but I'm only reading it now because I'm clever like that!

Anyway, I'm now going to get on with an actual review and stop waffling... I swear if there was a review limit I'd go over it every time. So, I like how clear you made it at the start that Harry was the more sure of himself, confident one who wanted to be friends with Nikki. I loved all the friendship interactions between the two of them and the way you had Harry being the one trying to please Nikki and not upset her because she's evidently the one more hurt by her background. I loved all the little scenes of her being unsure of herself, thinking he didn't really want to be her friend and the way in which the bullies kind of spurned these beliefs and almost backed them up- you made sure you had a reason for her being just so insecure, which is something often missing in emotional stories.

I love that you managed to keep the speed at which they developed into boyfriend and girlfriend steady and realistic and how you slowly built up their dependency on one another and the way in which you lightened the atmosphere, slowly drawing the awkward tension out of it. I loved how you write them both, they're both in character and I like Anne, she's so nice but you still show her faults and uncertainties- you manage to make al the characters seem real.

Audric was a good way to put a storyline into it but I'm glad he didn't remain, I can't I'd have been happy to hear him a permanent fix in the story! I'm not big on smut so just skim those parts but I like most of the interactions between Harry and Nikki, they seem mostly in character. I also love the way you move between storylines and how you've managed to take them over a reasonably period of time without making it feel too rushed. I like all your OC's, with Ada, Georg and Jurian seeming like good additions- I love Jurian attaching himself to Nikki and Nikki refusing to admit her maternal streak, something I imagine Nikki doing. I also like the friendship they now have with people other than themselves.

I also love the way you write it so everyone else can see just how in love Nikki and Harry are but they're pretty much oblivious, it's much like in the show. This review hasn't waffled as much as I was expecting, I'm quite proud of myself! I like the idea and even though it's rather AU I still think it works well and isn't completely unrealistic AU, I think it's something a lot of people can picture. There are barely any grammar and spelling errors, which is good and the few there are aren't noticeable enough to detract the main focus from the story.

Now for my theory: Jurian is Nikki's dad's :P I don't know if that's right and I don't think it is but I want to come up with a reason as to why he's so attached and I like to speculate. I daresay I'll find out soon enough but at least I don't have to wait for various chapters to be posted up, I can just go straight on and read when I want to :D

Right, I think that's it- I'm actually quite pleased with the fact I've kept my gabbling to a minimum :) A brilliant story, I love it and I'm glad I have about 150 chapters to go!

-Checky x
lauraay chapter 47 . 10/29/2011
I'm re-reading this again and I want to read the book that Anne mentions in this chapter, the lost world, but when I look on the iBook store for my iPod, there is more than one author with a book called the lost world, who writes the one you were thinking of for this? x
LadyLilibet chapter 209 . 4/27/2011

Fantastic job and I'm look forward to reading the sequel when I get home from first day back at school :)

Amazing last couple of chapters, slightly scary as well and frightfully real. Yet true to the Harry and Nikki in this fic loved it :)
Lizziginne chapter 209 . 4/27/2011
The end! Noooo! We need a sequel :) but that was adorable XD
Whovi10 chapter 209 . 4/27/2011
What a story and what an ending but a happy ending! Loved the whole thing. Sad that it's over ;(

would love a sequel, love your work!
ScientificAnomaly chapter 209 . 4/27/2011
Yes yes YES! We'd LOVE a sequel! God I am so addicted to this story, I can't get enough. 3
doctorwho-fanatic2010 chapter 209 . 4/27/2011
Ah, can't believe that is it, you have been spoiling us the last few days, thanks for this story, brilliant xx
Lizziginne chapter 206 . 4/26/2011
babies next chapter? XD cant wait... and sorry this review is short ive been up since half 5 :) love it
LadyLilibet chapter 206 . 4/26/2011
I'm so excited!

They're coming! Omg!
Whovi10 chapter 206 . 4/26/2011
Yyyaaaaaayy! It's almost time. Loved how Nikki was so calm, "oh and I'm probably in labour" that made me laugh! Can't wait, more soon please!
LadyLilibet chapter 204 . 4/25/2011
Oooh I'm so excited for the babies to come!

I keep thinking her father is going to turn up and push her down stairs or something.

I think they should get a restraining order :)

Thanks for posting these so quick :)
Lizziginne chapter 204 . 4/25/2011
Almost baby time :D can't wait!
Lizziginne chapter 202 . 4/25/2011
Pineapple most definitely belongs on pizza nikki! As adorable as ever :)
LadyLilibet chapter 200 . 4/25/2011
Okay nothing will happen to the babies cause I agree with Harry they are totally girls and haemophilia is usually passed mother to son... please let them be okay!

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