Reviews for Journey to the East
Gohanya chapter 2 . 4/28
Lmao, this chapter was very fun to read and I’m very excited to see how things develop between these three haha. Still enjoying the fact that Karin essentially just bought herself a husband and I’m very interested in learning why hitsugaya excepted the deal so easily LOL.
Johncenacat chapter 12 . 2/15/2019
WintrySkies1220 chapter 39 . 5/2/2016
Wonderful! Absolutely brilliant! I loved how you made the Hitsugaya in this AU have a dark backstory, and how some of the characters were OOC! I absolutely loved the HitsuKarin moments you put in, even though they were quite little! You're awesome! Your story is awesome! Keep writing! :)
themirrorminder.372259 chapter 39 . 4/21/2016
This story was breathtaking and an incredible adventure to read! Extremely well done ! The characters, the plot , the pacing were all very well executed !
Good job !
Guest chapter 39 . 3/6/2016
QueenBbee chapter 12 . 2/2/2016
LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! THIS STORY! So cute and epic at the same time.
Sakura Chara chapter 39 . 1/3/2016
I say you were wrong about what you said about this story who-knows-how-many-chapters ago; this story IS NOT worse than the other ones- heck, I think that it was on par, if not BETTER than your other ones~!
I love the ending to- just got married, and they're already planning another adventure~! (hint hint: that would be awesome)
Sakura Chara chapter 8 . 1/2/2016
Heehee~! I almost feel like Karin's the new Matsumoto~!
thblackrabbit chapter 39 . 10/25/2015
PLEASE WRITE MOREEEE *internally strangles you unintentionally in my desperation* YOU WRITE SOOOO GOOD! I really, really, enjoyed your writing style and ideas a lot. Super original. Some parts made me chuckle and smile like an idiot to myself while my sis looks at me as if I'm insane, and the bittersweet moments, for once, doesn't put me off reading the story. Love how the characters are so well-planned and well-grounded, and are also not suffocated with over-exaggeration of attitudes, something a lot of authors do in an attempt to force-fit the main defining behaviours of characters so that their characters serve a purpose to be there. The characters and their convos went along real smoothly and naturally and I love it! Everything fits in so well and I love how it didn't seem like you were trying to rush through the story, and instead took your effort to maintain the constant flow and progression of the plot details. And just simply brilliant. I also love how you didn't change the nature of Bleach by westernizing it like a lot of writers do. Love how you kept it a Japanese theme, and Edo period was really refreshing as an plot background. All in all, best Hitsukarin fic I've it up!ㅂو You have pure talent in writing. Definitely.
lightselixir chapter 39 . 9/4/2015
Ahhhh this is such an amazing story. The ending is so beautiful. I can't believe it is over gahhh and I spent 2 days straight reading this :( love this I hope you will write more amazing story's. Thank you for this amazing piece. 3
ixpizel chapter 18 . 8/5/2015
Um a question: does Karin now have 0 magnitite swords?
brishti chapter 39 . 5/30/2015
Best hitsukarin fanfic I have read
meloman chapter 39 . 5/21/2015
Oh my, I was so upset that I was reading the last chapter. This story is truly EPIC. And I love it sooo much, I don't want it to end xD Although the ending is nice, I really hope there would be some spinoff. Maybe 1 little extra part? Please? xD :33 {So that there would be exactly 40 precious chapters. *0*} I seriously fell in love with this story, I can't believe you're not a professional writer...(maybe in future, I hope xD) Thanks for making me smile and excited for reading your stories

Oh, and by the way. we love you too, dear author! XD
meloman chapter 28 . 5/18/2015
This is probably the most captivating story I've ever read by far! Seriously, I'm absolutely in love with that story! I don't usually leave reviews, but I just couldn't leave this story without a comment. THIS IS TRULY A MASTERPIECE! I never thought I could like this kind of story that much, adventurous ones aren't really my favorites. I can easily picture everything that you wrote (it goes for all your stories on this site) as you describe stories it such a detailed and amazing way. and you also do that in such a elegant manner that even parts with description of nature or small things(that I usually tend to skip) don't seem boring to me and I keep reading the stories of yours(yea, completely XD I even make inner pauses at the punctuation marks to fully appreciate the atmosphere. xD) i wish that somebody would make a movie based on any story of yours. and i think that it that case it wouldn't influence negatively even if the storyline wasn't with bleach characters but with any others,(although that brings pretty much fangirling feelings which is great too xD) and still be intriguing and everything positive XDD haha, sorry,my vocabulary isn't as rich as yours but I tried to express myself in English. (gosh, i wish you could speak my language, so i could tell more about the stories xDD) well, i think it's the longest comment I've ever written (i dislike typing xD)
So yea, basically thanks for creating and uploading your stories!
Smudgster chapter 39 . 4/5/2015
this was brilliant! i dont usually go for the time set change and alll that sort of stuff, but im glad i did it this time!

thank you so much!
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