Reviews for Fair Play chapter 1 . 5/20/2011
I was thinking about whether I should really check out your profile and read your other stories, but honestly, I couldn't stop myself. I just decided to go ahead and read all of your stories.

I just have to review this, considering how wonderful you made it. And may I say that the summary is quite attracting, and I admire you for creating such an awesome summary. :D

The playfulness of Tono amuses me. In fact, I see what you mean when you say that this pairing is quite nice. XD

Your writing was the best part about it. Something in the way you write just irks me, and makes me laugh out loud. You're so incredibly talented at creating funny stories. :)

Keep on writing, okay? Don't go for hiatus when you write so well. It's a shame. :P

Miss Mingxi chapter 1 . 6/22/2010
interesting and amusing.

MxT huh? that's new. :3

haha, strip uno.

tono would think that up. XD

hope to see yo oneshot with yuu! 3

CrazyQuills chapter 1 . 6/6/2010

I loved this. Great job.

I've thought of TonoMisaki but I always thought she fit better with Tsubasa. This make me rethink that.
foxtrotelly chapter 1 . 6/5/2010
I can't believe this thing only got one review, dammit. This made me laugh in various parts. Oh screw Tono for wearing a jacket. And shoes. And socks. You should've at least cut Misaki some slack and gave her a ponytail or something, right?

...Right? D:

But anyway, I noticed how this consisted mostly of dialogue again. Now, I finally understand a few things: More talk Lighter feel. More musings Deeper mood. Ok, ok, I get. But I still realized I have more things to improve on after reading this.

Good work! I'm favoriting this. Oh yes.

Javelinia777 chapter 1 . 6/1/2010
Good story. It was fun from the start to end. I also liked your pairing