Reviews for More Than Four Sides
RachelBarbraBerry1994 chapter 1 . 9/27/2019
Great little story! The bond that is so completely there between Kurt and his dad, I just love so much!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/26/2013
Loved it!
Hassou Milet chapter 1 . 5/8/2013
Sweet. Burt is an awesome dad.
dreamer 3097 chapter 1 . 8/8/2011
a good one
Ella Greggs chapter 1 . 12/12/2010
This story and it's companion "In All Honesty" are absolutely fantastic! You hit all the right points and didn't let any of the characters take the easy way out of these very difficult, soul-bearing conversations. Kudos for handling the complexities of situation in a respectful but thorough manner. In particular, thanks not only for calling out Kurt, justifiably, for his manipulations and inappropriate behaviour, but also for calling out Burt and Carole for their own rather thoughtless/clueless actions. As you point out, in what world would it every be assumed that two up-to-that-point only children would want to share a room, or that two sixteen year old boys would want to share a room, or that a straight teen would want to share a room with a gay teen, without at least discussing it first. And you kept Burt and Kurt fully IC throughout. I also admire how you captured their body language, including how Burt notices something is off about Kurt's body language, and how you portray the natural physical rapport between father and son, which reflects how they are on the show. Just a wonderful, mature and outstanding piece of work. I wish the show had been this responsible and in-depth with the characters about that situation.
Calli Wall chapter 1 . 11/20/2010
um. possibly the best kurt/burt fic ever. and i mean ever.
sapphiretwin369 chapter 1 . 11/18/2010
Haha, I liked the corset bit. That made me laugh. :) I also liked the way Kurt just rattled his admission off and the way Burt reacted. Very in character too. "why in the hell did he think that having his gay teenage son room with another boy would be a good idea?" Thank you! I was totally wondering this when I watched that one. They didn't even explain if there wasn't any other room. At least I don't think they did... Excellent job yet again! You write the emotion in so well and make me fall even more in love. :) (Btw, for the box really has six sides things, that's exactly what my sister said! She was happy to hear she wasn't the only one who thought of that.)
anon chapter 1 . 11/16/2010
Awwwww! Your stories make me feel so warm and fuzzy inside! I love Burt so much, and their scenes are among my absolute favorites on the show. You write both Kurt and his dad so very well. Thanks for sharing!
JeeSun chapter 1 . 8/21/2010
This was really, really good!

That scene from Theatricality bothers me everytime I watch it because as much as I love Kurt and Burt standing up for him, it wasn't just Finn's fault. So I really liked that Kurt made Burt understand that he's also to blame and Burt's reaction was also in character.

And that last part with them falling a sleep infront of Deadliest Catch was really cute :)

Well done!
SweetG chapter 1 . 8/7/2010
Man, am I feeling soft all-over now.

You just filled me with a happiness made of kittens and sunshine and rainbows.
The Chocolate Alchemist chapter 1 . 8/7/2010
Once again, awesome and very in-character.

"And, ah, he snores and leaves dirty socks all over the floor. That was a pretty big turn off – and he picks at his earwax nearly constantly, and wipes it off on his shirts and pants, and occasionally the furniture, something which is both disgusting and disturbing – and part of the reason why I replaced so many of my original furnishings." He made a face that coaxed an involuntary snort out of Burt, and quite suddenly they were both smiling.

definitely one of my favorite lines from this fic. And of course, the one where Burt is surprised that Kurt didn't fall asleep immediately.
Taigne chapter 1 . 7/3/2010
How did I not review this before? It's amazing, I so love your Burt, he just tries so hard and it's awkard and rough but it works! I also love how you totally hit all of my issues with Theatricality (everyone was at fault/needed a poke back to reasonable-ville, so everyone got hurt) and then fixed them! Yay! Off to read the sequel now *bounces*
timeworn grace chapter 1 . 7/1/2010
shortierockette chapter 1 . 6/25/2010
this was an excellent read! usually all the stories that deal with he aftermath of 'theatricality' just focus on one side or the other, and this is the first one i've read that actually included burt in it! the whole story flows logically, and is very well written. you've totally got the way the characters speak, btw, i could definitely see this kind of convo happening in the show (actually, i think it does need to happen at some point; they never told us if finn and carole are still living there or not!) i also loved the father/son fluff at the end.

i lol'd at the part where he says how childlike kurt looked, it made me think of when my friend saw my drawing of kurt (i do portraiture) and went 'what do you mean he's 16, he looks like he's a freakn 12 year old! ha, she has yet to be inducted into the awesomeness that is glee!

also, don't stress about spelling erors that may ormay not be there, i didn't cath any (or if there are, they're not so noticeable has to disrupt the reading experience!)

breakthehabit chapter 1 . 6/24/2010
Great story! I loved Burt saying what he said to Finn in the episode, but its true-he didnt have the whole story, and nobody really did-im glad you showed it so well :D

I hope there are more Burt/Kurt moments in the show, i love their father/son relationship more than any other one on the show!
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