Reviews for Simple Past
RetiredDeth chapter 2 . 12/30/2011
This was perfect. I've read a lot of stories with Sam getting the amulet back, but this was by far the best. And yeah, it's me again, commenting on yet another of your stories, though it's been awhile. And again, this was absolutely perfect:}
brokencrownsandhearts chapter 2 . 7/12/2011
i had no idea you had a fanfiction account, i've seen some of your writing on livejournal and haven't been able to comment since i don't have an account there. i think you are a fantastic writer and i really enjoyed this story! there are not nearly enough amulet stories out there!
phyllis16 chapter 2 . 2/20/2011
i just read simple past. wanted you to know that i loved it
buttercupgalaxy chapter 2 . 6/4/2010
Cool ending. Really liked this fic. Great job!

B xx
pandora jazz chapter 2 . 6/3/2010
I was worried about this chapter while I read your AN's, but than was glad I read it.

I really liked it and could only hope that we find Dean making this decision at the beginning of season six. I'm not a Lisa/Ben fan and not so much because I hate them, but because I don't know them as we only met them in one episode and than in a dream. (Sorry for the rant)

I loved Dean's conversation with Sam/Impala and why he was leaving, "I'm doing it for me this time. Not 'cause Dad told me to or to avenge Mom… not even 'cause I want to get the bastards that did this to you... to us." Wonderful! That sounds like the big brother we all love.

Thanks for sharing another chapter to your story. I enjoyed reading it.
Twinchy chapter 2 . 6/3/2010
Believe it or not, I really love the way this turned out, Miki. *melts*

You (through Dean's POV) convey so much emotion with his imagined dialogue with Sammy, sitting in his Impala, pondering his leaving again for good.

Plus, you have no idea how happy a camper you made me by suggestion the older Winchester was going to stay with Bobby for a while now, that he even admitted he had missed the man. *hugs Dean and Bobby*

What I also like very much in here is the fact that it never once seemed like a choice Dean was taking on a whim - that he actually thought it through before making the (in every way life-changing) decision.

Only that he believed that his beloved baby "missed its magic" broke my heart. Especially since it was most likely he himself who wasn't right, after all, not his loyal Impala.

Really well done, Miki! Great finish IMHO.
emmau chapter 2 . 6/3/2010
This is where I want to find Dean at the beginning of the next season. I want him to choose what's best for him, and I think show has shown us enough times that Dean always returns to hunting. I like this chapter because it, to me, clearly shows how Dean progresses from shell shock to getting back on his feet and making his own choices.

Now I'm feeling greedy and hoping that you'll have a third chapter showing us the reunion. If you don't, though, thanks for the story as is.
snowcherries chapter 1 . 6/3/2010
Dude...that second chapter...Dean's one-sided conversations with Sam? Killed me. Seriously tore my heart out. Just painful, but wonderful.
onemediumdrip chapter 2 . 6/3/2010
The way you pulled everything together using the Impala was wonderful. Especially after the last episode, having Dean confess everything to Sam while sitting in the Impala really pulled it al together. Very well done.

In regards to your last note, I really hope people are gonna settle down with the brother blame game. It's really old, and after the finale, all of that stuff really doesn't matter much anymore. Hopefully you don't get complaints!

P.S. I want that amulet back on show!
Twinchy chapter 1 . 5/28/2010
This was a really well-written, realistic and beautiful insight (not to say monologue) of Sam's character and his reaction to Dean throwing his Amulet away, dismissing the once close bond between them for good (or rather bad :-p ).

Interesting theory too, about where Sam put the pendent, making sure his stubborn mule of a brother would notice as well.
onemediumdrip chapter 1 . 5/28/2010
This is like every bit of anger I ever felt towards Dean at the end of that episode. Man, I was so furious. I feel like this was my internal rant to him or something, but even better. It's nice to see Sam being pissed off again, especially when he has every right to be. Very well done.

I especially liked your use of "simple past" to make a point. Dude. Using English terminology will automatically make me favorite this. ]
emmau chapter 1 . 5/28/2010
Now I may be a Dean fan, but I think this really captured

Sam's reaction-or at least how I picture it in his head. He does often react with anger first, and he had a point. Of course he didn't choose those memories. I'm sure it did hurt to hear that his brother is losing faith in him, though at some point I hope he would realize that if Dean is losing faith in himself and everything else as well, meaning it's not only about him. I like his determination to fix things with Dean.

The only quibble I would have is the line "you left me in a way I never left you." A little melodramatic there, Sam, especially since you once left for a suicide mission after strangling your brother. But in Sam's head, it makes sense because Sam's in mental rant mode and everyone goes over the top in that situation. So it still works, really. I liked this.
anna chapter 1 . 5/28/2010
I like your story and your writing. Its just a shame that Sam didn't understand why Dean felt this way. Surely he would be more mature if he at least acknowledged how aweful it was for Dean to see Sam happy at the time he ran away to flagstaff, and left the brother, who loved and raised him, thinking he was dead and facing their Fathers wrath.

Id love to see Sam, and fans, show some understanding of Dean's POV and acknowledging that Sam has done a lot of things (strangling Dean, drinking demon blood, trusting Ruby) that might make Dean lose faith in him.

Still a good story. Just offering an additional dimension i think you and sam missed here.

Thanks for sharing tho
emielou chapter 1 . 5/27/2010
I like this version of the amulet, it feels the most believable of all the amulet stories I've read. Thanks for writing it.
pandora jazz chapter 1 . 5/27/2010
I like how you wrote Sam with his frustration and anger.

Loved the ending when Sam made sure Dean saw what he put in the glove compartment.

I enjoyed reading your story.

Thanks for sharing it with us.
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