Reviews for The Bet
Guest chapter 7 . 4/24/2014
heeeey update! next chapter!
Please update chapter 7 . 5/4/2013
Please update soon! I'm in love with this story. Please don't leave me hanging.
Guest chapter 6 . 8/15/2012
Rextimina chapter 7 . 7/28/2012
I like it so far, cant wait till the next chapter
annoyingLONER chapter 7 . 5/13/2012
I really hope fir an update. This fic is good, I mean really good.
Qaths10 chapter 7 . 12/18/2011

you make me laugh with ada chapter lol

still awaiting Continues

and if not sorry I wrote before u.u

luck and I hope to continue
unknown chapter 7 . 9/13/2011
Dude. Its been FOREVER! Please hurry up and update T_T
Yuri-Sensei chapter 7 . 6/18/2011
oOYuuOo chapter 7 . 4/19/2011
Yey new chappy~

It was hilarious! I enjoyed reading it!

Thank you for the update~

I'm looking forward for the next chapter~
Ninnypants chapter 7 . 4/19/2011
come to think of it... this really isnt a bet for natuski to date shizuru at all! XD shizuru just gets attracted to her automatically without natuski trying hahahaha! i wonder what tomoe is up to though. seems foreboding. dumdumdum.
AnonexistedID chapter 7 . 4/18/2011
so nice~~update soon!
colorfulsunrise514 chapter 7 . 4/18/2011
Poor Natsuki. :) Her life is like a mini celebrity, no privacy for her personal life. Lol. Part of me thinks its Shizuru who is the "boss" of the newspaper. Its just me guessing, though. :P Great chapter.
ShadowCub chapter 7 . 4/18/2011
Shizuru as the mystery editor!
Honulicious chapter 7 . 4/18/2011
chie definitely works fast..i initially thought it was going to be tomoe...that girl could gather a huge crowd...

i bet shizuru is the master mind behind the newspaper ;P haa haa

anyway, update soon~!
krugern chapter 7 . 4/18/2011
Laughed at Shizuru getting rid of her fan girls. Like how Chie and Aoi don't really know who is in charge of the newspaper.
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