Reviews for Loved by Law
khff13 chapter 5 . 3/23/2018
So I just spent the past two days reading this story, and I'm soooo glad I found this fic! I'm just starting to read fanfiction again, and I'm glad THIS was the story I got to read as I rediscover my love for it. I can't wait till you update again! (I hope it's soon, but take your time lol)

Btw, I love what you've done with everyone's personalities. It really puts me in the mindset that their not children anymore, even though what's happened in the manga has no relation to the story. Honestly, this fic is 1000000/10
Wind of SilentBell chapter 5 . 3/9/2018
It's really great. Please update the story.
b2utifulshawol chapter 5 . 2/24/2018
I love this Natsume. Even though he's difficult he's noticeably quite the gentleman. Thoughtful too. Are they really gonna get married? Wasn't what Natsume said in the beginning they only need to be engaged a few months just enough for him to be done with his case? Not complaining if they do though, I'm here for the romance. XD Is their relationship gonna be a slow burn? I love slow burns but the wait is also agonizing. Lol. Hm... now that Reo's been paid off, is he out of the picture or will he come back to cause more trouble? Is Ken going to make an appearance? Are updates going to be sporadic? Sorry I have a lot of questions. You can ignore them, I know I'll have my answer as the story goeshahaha
spica14 chapter 4 . 2/23/2018
I liked the previous version but I must say this new version is better. It's more realistic and it seems more mature. Thank you for continuing the story. I look forward to you next chapters.
Kaze-Yon23 chapter 19 . 2/8/2018
I’m so excited you decided to pick this up again! I’m looking forward to the revisions and hope all goes well with you! Thank you for being an amazing writer.
Undertheskys chapter 19 . 1/24/2018
Great story so far. I cant wait for the revised version
Hazelnothazelnut chapter 18 . 1/24/2018
omg! I thought u wouldn't update anymore until I opened my email and found the notif from your story. I really thought I just saw things then I opened my ff account. Thanks so much for updating, I am so glad. Please keep continuing update this story. I loved this story for years before and is still loving this story and always will. Please remember you have a lot of fans in ff. Oh and goodluck in everything you do tho :D
Undertheskys chapter 15 . 1/23/2018
That is a big case. Poor Mikan
Undertheskys chapter 13 . 1/23/2018
Teared up a bit when Mikan saw, Aoi, Kaoru, and Ioran come to the family's day event.
Undertheskys chapter 11 . 1/23/2018
Awwwee that was so touching when she said "I love" to Ioran
sweet little chapter 19 . 1/22/2018
Finally! Good to see you again. I have been waiting for an update. It felt like an eternity. Thank you so much for thinking about updating. Hope for more chapters to read soon.
reader131313 chapter 19 . 1/22/2018
Can’t waitttt, two weeks is too long T.T
bukspiks chapter 18 . 1/22/2018
thnx for updating or else i would have never read this story...IT MADE ME CRY SO MANY TIMES, i can't wait to see how all of this will turn out..XD
IAmTheBattleMaiden chapter 18 . 1/21/2018
I like the steady progression of Natsume and Mikan's relationship, and I'm very interested to see how everything turns out (with them, the big case, etc). I will offer the constructive criticism that this story lacks transitions in many places and loses it's fluidity when parts aren't fully explained, or something new comes up that doesn't go anywhere (either disappearing entirely or coming back around so much later in the story that it's confusing). I particularly love the usage of familiar characters throughout the story; it's one of the pleasures of fan fiction compared to original fiction, getting to see familiar characters show up in new ways.

Looking forward to the next update.

inno.jhelynanne chapter 18 . 1/21/2018
been reading this again and again! welcome back!
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