Reviews for Stolen Innocence
Twisted-Kitten90 chapter 1 . 2/21/2016
What does FIA and MNFF stand for? I assume they are other fanficiton sites, and I would like to check then out.
JulieMalfoyZabini chapter 1 . 6/15/2015
That was pretty interesting! Intense as well! I liked it! :D :)

Julie :)
Dustyn chapter 1 . 9/18/2013
I feel hesitant to admit I teared up with this one. Those poor kids! This is a fanon Lucius I won't love, but a gorgeous story.
Miss-Talkative chapter 1 . 12/7/2010
Oh my days. I'm stunned. What a powerful and daunting story. I love how you have captured the youthful innocence of G. It has given me goosebumps reading this.

When you mention the secret smile of Draco put a silly smile on my face.

I adore your ending:

The war made corpses out of us children. It made graves out of the earth. The war destroyed my family, but it didn't destroy me. With Draco, I am home. No matter where I am, with him I am where I need to be. He is my happiness. He is my world.

This paragraph is just pure genius, very poignant.

Thank you! Your writing is spellbinding!

Shai xx

P.s I've dedicated today to reading your D/G one shots!
EmRosey chapter 1 . 10/10/2010
Im a secret sucker for Draco/Ginny - but I never believe their love would have a happy ending. This was bittersweet, love but with death. Enjoyed it lots, well done!
keladryevangelinerhysenn chapter 1 . 8/28/2010
absolutely beautiful, I really appreciate this story. Ginny is the perfect narrator, and Draco remains the scared and confused boy that he is in the books. This is a new favorite of mine.
Laura chapter 1 . 8/17/2010
Wow! This is beautiful, very poetic. I'm speechless.
Boogum chapter 1 . 6/20/2010
This was very powerful, and I'm still a bit stunned. I feel like any words would ruin this, so I'm just going to say that this was amazing and tragically beautiful.
Raelin Lupin chapter 1 . 6/1/2010
This is beautiful. It's more of an art piece than a fanfic; it's like poetry.
Diskret chapter 1 . 5/19/2010
This is a little bit scary. Not like hide-behind-the-couch-and-have-nightmares-for-weeks-scary, it's more like good-scary. It's really amazing that you can make words scary or bitter or happy, simply just by putting the right ones in the right order.

My comliments! It's totally awesome!

Oh, and by the way, what is FIA and NMFF? I've never heard of them before.
cuddlebear992 chapter 1 . 5/15/2010
That was so touching! I loved it so much. You should win the challenge.

Kelsiee chapter 1 . 5/14/2010
This was really good!

i really liked it,

even if it was sad :(

but i enjoyed the way you wrote her story,

shifting back and forth,

most people have trouble writting like that,

but yours was really good !

keep up the good work !:)
Dracoginnylover24 chapter 1 . 5/14/2010
This was sad...but good. I really liked the ending. Good Luck with future writing! :)
chromeknickers chapter 1 . 5/13/2010
Of course, I loved this. It is very avant-garde. A young Ginny talking about rape, innocence, death, and hope. I love how you captured her youth and her innocence-even though Lucius tried so hard to take that away. He couldn't take it away nor prevent her victory.

This is one of those sad yet sweet stories that really makes you worry about the brevity of life and appreciate its special moments-what it means to live, no matter how long we shuffle along this mortal coil.

I must admit I got giddy when I read the challenge line, 'we're all born innocent'. You inserted it beautifully. You have some very lovely and fluid transitions, which make this a pleasure to read.

Your imagery is haunting and adds that lovely touch of the surreal when we are introduced to the final stage of her life-where the colours come back and she sees Draco. My heart just fluttered at this, and a smile came to my face. It made me very happy. Thank you.

Your last line is just so chilling (The war made corpses out of us children. It made graves out of the earth), especially since you juxtaposed it with lines of hope and of love (No matter where I am, with him I am where I need to be. He is my happiness. He is my world).

Just gorgeous. Like Emma said-write more like this. We want to feel both depressed and uplifted. _~

MidnightxRed chapter 1 . 5/13/2010
This is beautifully written _

It's so sad and dark, but that only helps to make it better. There are lots of emotions in this even though Ginny herself seems quite detached from them.

I love it :)
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