Reviews for Harry Potter and Destiny's Stone: Founders Four
Silverstory101 chapter 8 . 5/25/2018
What nooooo update this please I'm dieting to know the end pleeeeeeeeease
Canada and Kumajiro chapter 7 . 2/26/2017
Update soon please
anonymous chapter 8 . 5/9/2016
next chapter please
Twilfitt77 chapter 8 . 1/25/2015
My god. I guess that's the best words I can use to describe it without sounding like a babbeling baboon. I just want to say how AMAZING YOU ARE! With all your dedication and hard work, I wouldn't be surprised if you became a professional writer someday. I promise, that no matter how long it takes to update, that I will return to read it. I want to thank you for this wonderful journey this has taken me on, even if it isn't finished yet. I LOVE the concept, LOVE your depth of character, and overall, just LOVE this story. Keep up the AWESOME work, and I hope I am able to read more! :))))))
xNekoxBlazex chapter 8 . 5/20/2013
please please please finish! PLEASE!
DeathbladeMeister chapter 1 . 5/15/2013
This is awesome! You are awesome! Please update soon!
SilvermistAnimeLover chapter 6 . 5/3/2013
I love this fanfiction! :D Thanks so much for writing this! (Please continue it, too!) I understand the need for checking historical facts to make sure that it's accurate and whatnot. :) I'm the same way. I love how you've made the founders come alive (and their families)! Sal's brother? Great idea! Love the Maraurders thing! XD Also! Will Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione unlock their animagus forms? Please?! :) Oh! And will the other three (Ron, Hermione, and Harry) receive 'gifts' like Ginny's dagger, that proves them to be part of the family (as in Harry would be a Slytherin, Ron a Gryffindor, and Hermione a Ravenclaw)? Please? I sooo love fanfictions where they "own Hogwarts" in the future! :D Oh! And is Hogwarts sentient in this? Sorry for all the questions! ;)
Guest chapter 8 . 4/29/2013
please continue this amazing story, i have to what happens next.
A.L. Kingsley chapter 1 . 4/8/2013
excellent beginning.
Keena3105 chapter 8 . 1/30/2013
i like the new prophecy thing "then you can beat that non-man" hahaha

anyway, update again soon please?
Obsessed With 52 chapter 8 . 9/10/2012
This is really good so far and I was wondering how your research for this fic was going. Are you going to be able to update soon?
S.Peridot chapter 8 . 9/3/2012
O_O I'm really enjoying this fic. So. Are you going to update :D

Pleeeeease ;;)

HPJ-kittycat chapter 8 . 8/28/2012
Guest chapter 1 . 7/18/2012
Like this story. Wish there was more and Harry realized that he love Ginny.
Guest chapter 8 . 7/6/2012
I love your approach and your dedication to canon. I hope that when you have you facts straightened out you update quickly because I am impacient to see what you come up with. I love the way you potrayed the founders and the class of original hogwarts. I can't wait to see what happens when the four return to their own time and describe their aventures and put what they learned into action. Please continue this story soon.
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