Reviews for A Test Of Friendship - DFA 4
Koiame chapter 8 . 9/9/2014
Loved it!
Laws of Chaos chapter 8 . 4/20/2011
Wow. The emotions were really well-written, and I loved the interactions between Heero and Duo! The last chapter made me reach for a Kleenex, especially the part where you described Heero's voice when he questioned if Duo had given up on him.

- "Have you given up on me completely?" His voice whispered in his ear, no longer sounding like the perfect soldier, but like that of a young, uncertain child. -

*sigh* Uber-cute!
kayura sanada chapter 8 . 5/16/2010
_ Um, I've realized that I could potentially be bombarding your e-mail with lots and lots of messages, so I'm just going to say thank you for writing these stories, and all your stories, and that I find you to be an inspirational author with very precious skill... and now I'll stop bothering you with constant alerts. _

mannd1068 chapter 8 . 10/27/2009
Excellent installment!
TheOneThatIsAddictedToHPfics chapter 8 . 11/23/2008
loved it!
snowdragonct chapter 7 . 1/15/2008
You want to know something truly hilarious? I'd read this ages ago and liked it. Recently I was re-reading lots of Kracken's stuff and for some reason thought this particular scene of Duo thinking Heero was going to eliminate him was in there somewhere. I searched and searched. Couldn't find it. Went through LOADS of my favorites, looking for this one interlude, cuz I remembered it and thought it was so cool the way Duo misinterpreted the mission and fled. I searched EVERYWHERE. Then last night I'd read something truly horrid on adult fan fic, and needed to "rinse" the unpleasant after-images from my brain, so I went to read your stuff, which I love, and which ALWAYS picks up my spirits. Heck, even "The Call" has a sweet ending after the deep, deep angst. Anyhow, I was just perusing stuff and remembered that this story where Duo stops talking was one I particularly enjoyed-it warmed me from the inside out-and I started reading. AND HERE'S THE CHAPTER I'VE BEEN SEARCHING EVERYWHERE FOR! Needless to say, it's been added to my favorites so I never, ever lose it again. Um, sorry for the ramble, but you don't know how ELATED I was when I hit this chapter. Made my WHOLE WEEK. You're wonderful. There. Bask in that! You. Are. Wonderful.
Destiny Lot chapter 8 . 10/22/2004
Oh i love it, very sweet, and heart warming. This series is very good. I'm check out the next one... when i wake up.

Ja ne
futagoakuma-tenshi01 chapter 8 . 10/17/2004
Embarrassing...with the orders part...
Dark Sadistic Angel chapter 1 . 7/20/2004
Just wanted to say I enjoy this series.

tartuffe chapter 5 . 12/28/2003
- so cute
Daeleniel Shadowphyre chapter 8 . 9/21/2003
::smiles:: I actually looked up the word obviate when it came up and Duo admitted to not knowing the meaning. Taken at face value, it's not nearly as sinister as Duo unwittingly made it out to be. To "obviate" the presence of 02 could easily have just meant keep him under cover while he recouperates and take the missions that come in for him.

Well done!
Asa Gohan chapter 8 . 12/31/2002
oh my god. this is probibly one of the best fics i've read. and heero is not really ooc. everyone needs human touch, including suicide boy. i am loving DFA and i plan to read it all...

Emily Hato chapter 8 . 11/28/2002
you are awesome, I am going to read all your stories though not tonight (this morning?) I have to go to sleep soon or I'll never wake up in time for . . . life tomorrow. I'll stop sending you reviews raving about how awesome you are if you like . . . e-mail me if this bothers you otherwise they'll keep on coming!
Hellcat81 chapter 8 . 11/11/2002
i really enjoyed reading this fic. it was sweet and sad as well. simply well done. i even liked the idea of heero and duo just being friends. very good portrayed. all five pilots. keep going.
some person chapter 8 . 9/7/2002
*screws her face up and tries not to cry* awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! that was sooo sweet! *wipes away tears* wehhhhh! I love this story! at first, i thought it was kinda childish for duo to give them the silent treatment, but then, you noe, it's explained and everything. that was sooo sweet! :'( I realised that in none of these DFA stories that i've read have there been any coupling. I thought that was cool for a change, cuz all the other stories had to do with love and everything. . And this one only deals with friendship. hehe! btw, i love duo too!
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