Reviews for To be careful in missions
LittlePuggy chapter 37 . 6/28/2019
it was amazing please continue ... :) im happy xD
Guest chapter 37 . 5/28/2019
That was a good ride
Kippysaurus chapter 37 . 6/29/2018
Hello i am still interested in this fic if you are continuing!
Guest chapter 37 . 6/9/2018
So did you just decide to stop because that would be lame
jsnikki13141 chapter 37 . 5/5/2018
Really excellent story. Its paced really well. The slow burn feeling between Natsu and Gray is done perfectly. Great job. Hope you continue.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/27/2018
really good enjoyingso far :3
Janet Mann chapter 37 . 4/1/2018
Please continue this!
Princess Hinata Bug chapter 37 . 6/25/2017
It's really good. I think the fight scenes were great.
NeahZoldyck13 chapter 37 . 6/15/2017
I'd love to see this lovely fic continued!

Guest chapter 37 . 6/15/2017
Pls continue!
darkhuntressxir chapter 38 . 5/31/2017
Guest chapter 37 . 5/27/2017
Omg please keep writing & continuing this fic! I started reading it after you posted your first 10 or so chapter & ive been following it fairly loosely since then, despite how quiet I've been with reviews. Anyways, I beg that you continue to write this fic, it's truly excellent!
BlacknWhiteBubbles chapter 38 . 5/26/2017
NeahZoldyck13 chapter 38 . 5/25/2017
Yes, please include the Phantom Lord arc!

Guest chapter 37 . 4/12/2017
continue please
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