Reviews for Hannah Montana: YuGiOH Version!
Bwby.Angwl chapter 8 . 9/20/2015
Update soon
yuiko chapter 8 . 8/1/2013
nobaru rei chapter 8 . 3/26/2013
whaaat, but-but I love this fan fic!
And guess what? I barely even like Hannah Montana!
Yet I still love this fic!
Please continue it!
Rain of the Forest chapter 8 . 3/25/2013
lacywing chapter 7 . 1/27/2013
Ramona: WHAT! Are you saying you're never going to continue it! NNNNNNNNOOOOOO! It's so perfect! Why?!
Ryoko: Give her a break Ramona. Remember, she has writer's block.
Ramona: And you better remember that even though you're my Yami i can still kick you a*** back into the Milliniem (Spelled right?) Wand. *glares* (A/N: I don't know if somebody already came up with milliniem wand, if they did, i'll go with milliniem tiara/crown, unless somebody already came up with that)
Ryoko: Whatever. *Glares back*
Ramona: *Drinks coffee and starts shaking* SO NOW WHAT!
Ryoko: ...why the coffee, we're all gonna die now...
Yami, Bakura, and Marik: Quit complaining.
Ryoko: WHAT WAS THAT! *Starts up a chainsaw*
Yami, Bakura, and Marik: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SOMEBODY SAVE US! (A/N: You see, they're scared of her. And she's a Yami of a 12-13 year old! So we all know that if they're scared of her, then we're all screwed.)
Alice's Sister chapter 4 . 1/6/2013
PLease please please continue. I love it. not just because my name is in it. again PLEASE CONTINUE.
Rain of the Forest chapter 7 . 9/19/2012
Poor Yami... I wonder what he'll do when he talks to Daniella about the call.
HeartXCrossbones chapter 7 . 6/23/2012
Please update soon!
YugiHebaLovers chapter 7 . 4/4/2012
i like this story but i REALLY want the next chapter. i like the fact that yugi is able to keep the fact that HE IS HANNAH MONTANA and how did kaiba deal with the fact that he KISSED he BEST FRIEND on the LIPS!

(points to you)

i like you, how about you get the next chapter on the net and i'll keep liking you?
Alice's Sister chapter 7 . 3/30/2012
I love it. What took you so long to do it. I was in suspense forever. Hi by the way. Hows life.
Quiet Harmony-chan chapter 1 . 3/30/2012
Um...Okay so add One of the best anime out there with one of the worst shows ,and role models out there, and you get this... I hate to tell you this, but first you need to put this in a crossover section.

Second if you were going to do this idea you could have used a girl it's VERY hard to mistake Yugi and Yami for a girl. Easier with Bakura and Ryou, but not Yugi and Yami.

This isn't a flame its critism. There is a diffrence so please don't be offended.
Yami Ace and Neko chapter 7 . 7/11/2011
A mere mention?

: just update the stories already

NO! why were you *mouth taped*

: shut up and be a good girl Neko before I bash you up got it?

T.T Got it *mumbled*

: anyway you might want to update like fast as in yesterday fast.
ClosedDownForGood chapter 7 . 6/14/2011
It took him two hours t get ready? It takes me half an hour and that's WITH a shower! Seriously! But I thought the chapter was good but I think he shoud wear skirts more often! Mwahaha!
ToraTheShadowFoxDemon chapter 7 . 6/13/2011
WHUT, YOU'RE IN COLLEGE? XD Dang, I thought you were younger! But, you're older than me! Anyways, good luck with college. Both my older sister and my mom are attending college and they constantly complain, so I wish you good luck with that.

I hate Tea. Just thought I'd add that...

Also, Yami totally needs to find out about Yugi being Hannah in an extremely awesome way. hahaha :P

So, great chapter! Please continue writing!
alicessister chapter 7 . 6/13/2011
hey. hows college. took yourtime in updating. the other story were doing together is going great. i love the outfit you put me in. Ivy: my outfit is beast. I LOVE IT. Keep it up. Ivy: hi yugi. tea needs to go she cant be with yami. she ugly,hs no voice and cant dance for her life if it depended on it. yami sweeti WAKE UP. LOOK BEYOND THE MAKE UP. Your slow yami. here i thought you could see love when it is right infront of you. great job on the story. i will say it again LOVE IT.
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