Reviews for The Gun
FrostyFeline chapter 1 . 10/21/2010
I LIKE this! D this is GOOD! Also, there weren't THAT many errors! ) just a few spelling mistakes, that's all! Still understandable and good though! Also, maybe re-reading your stories might help? But's good!

P.S. Woah, look at all the exclamation marks! O
Steve the Purple Dinosaur chapter 1 . 7/8/2010
it's very interesting. I can see Zane having suicidal tendencies; he does seem a little bit emo. I'm have huge Zane-a-mania, so this was a pretty good read for me :D
AngelsFireNIce chapter 1 . 6/17/2010
It's an ok story but I found grammatical errors.

Please do not take this the wrong way, but perhaps you should look for a beta reader or just re-read the story before you post it. That way, everyone who reads it can focus more on the story and less on any errors found.
Saiyajin-Ohime-Thunder chapter 1 . 5/30/2010
I like this one-shot plot.

Zane and Atticus really are cool.

This is great.

I hope you make something like this more.

Well, good luck.

P.S.: I'm fine. I reply my message her because I can't reply the private message to you. Did you disable it? btw, how are you too? I'm just busy and always open facebook than fanfic.

Take Care!~ Haibara Kawaii.
quietlyintheshadows chapter 1 . 5/6/2010
WoW. nicely written I haven't seen a Zane/Atticus fic like this before. this is really good, it goes deep and underneath the surface of people itself.

~So far I really think this is your best work Pocket :P
Boots chapter 1 . 5/6/2010
Not even going to bother logging in to review today. You, missy, are luck to even have me read this. -sticks nose in air- Because I am clearly superior to you and your stories and your little dog, too!
...You know I love you, Pocket~!
Purishirakun chapter 1 . 5/6/2010
wow dat was so deep..! i love it very much! nicely written.