Reviews for Silk
OnFireGeek chapter 1 . 5/28/2012
D'aw. Pepperony is so perfect, and you did a perfect portrayal of them. Tony's reaction of Pepper being so devastated was particularly touching. Nice job.
iwas13andiwantthisgone chapter 1 . 5/14/2010
Ackk ! I loveeeee it !

::tries to fave multiple times, ends up crashing FFn's server::

Crap . . .
BelleHarmony chapter 1 . 5/5/2010
.gosh. when you came to the part where Tony was watching the tapes - I just couldn't help myself and I was about to tear up!
always a happy ending chapter 1 . 5/3/2010
My confession: i LOVE LOVE LOVE this part of their story. The first movie just ignored this aspect & i hope (crossed fingers) that IM2 covers this, but i LOVE them confronting their feelings about him missing & how pepper reacted to it. for me this is the ultimate confrontation of how they feel about each other. it forced pepper to admit her love for tony & then for tony to have taped proof of her unmasked feelings- ugh nothing is better. only a few fanfics have been written about this, but it's great. an added bonus is they always go from not-sure-about-each-other to a lovey couple in 1 story. so great, thanks for writing this & i hope others do the same!
AnnaTW chapter 1 . 5/3/2010
Oh MAJORLY cute, loved it!(: Well done. HAPPY WRITING, AnnaTW
Artistry201 chapter 1 . 5/2/2010
Oh my goodness! That was fantastic! :D I absolutely loved it. Wonderful! And you hardly had any spelling or grammar errors. Way to go!
Winteroses chapter 1 . 5/2/2010
AW! I'm so happy you were bored! See what comes from the minds imagination:) Thanks for writing this:)!
SG1Bauer chapter 1 . 5/2/2010
Awesome story! Really well written and I love how you structured the time jumps with the "It was...when.." very creative. These missing scenes you wrote for what we didn't see in the movie fit very well. I also though the end was very romantic, with him watching the video footage while she held his shirt. Great job!