Reviews for Lovestruck
shameka chapter 11 . 3/20/2012
yo kyle the fanfiction was unbelviable good i love the bear part of it the most
kaito136 chapter 11 . 1/25/2012
heh typical bitter sweet story line. but i must say, mugi's really suspicious behind the whole camping thing. i'll say it's nice to read, but could have done better with the plot.

i can't help but to spot Ritsu X Azusa moments. I freaking love this pairing, i can't help it. You plot here might help me in my future Ritsu X Azusa fics XD

gonna check out your sequel soon!
razisgosu chapter 11 . 11/4/2010
I'm a huge Azu-nyan/Yui lover and I would absolutely love it if you made a side story about what happened in Azusa's and Yui's tent in this story :)

Ritsu/Mio is my second favorite pairing and this story was really well done!
djyxa chapter 11 . 10/17/2010
thanks in advance for the sequel~ X3

good luck writing it _v
fujiwaranomokou chapter 10 . 10/14/2010
i had something similar happen to me. i mean the whole, i loved my best friend but she liked this dude. she said she liked me in a similar way that i liked her when i confessed (no joke though, the guys a total dick playing with her heart like a toy) but in the end she chose him over me. which was a huge disappointment really, my daily life really hasnt been the same since (this is actually quite recent, like a few months ago recent, is why i say this). seems all ive had since she stopped talking to me and just like totally abandoned me (her best friend of all people to boot...) is bad luck. my greades plummeted, my normally happy mood worsened, everything just went downhill. so this story really touches my heart in a bittersweet way. kinda wished things had turned out the way they did for Mio and Ritsu (minus the bear attack i mean).

all in all, great story. i laughed, i got teary eyed, and more. well done.
RasenFox chapter 10 . 9/19/2010
Man, I really think you should continue this story. It has SO many places you could take it. I really like the general storyline, and just KNOW you could take it much further than where it is now. I'd love to see you make more chapters for this story. I'd love to help too! Please consider it. _
Iheartyurifreak chapter 10 . 9/18/2010
OHHHMYYYYGOOOOOODDDDD, i heart this so much! Mio and Ritsu belong together and this fic proves it! I understand that Mio is confused and says I love you then says I dont know because i would say that if i still liked a guy. XD

SO i have to hand it to u with this one and i love it so much! Keep it up! MIOXRITSU FOREVER!
kiddo09 chapter 10 . 9/17/2010
i liked this ch as a final for your story

but i was kinda consufed cuz Mio was like "i love u" n then "sorry, i dont know what i feel" n then again "i love u"

i understand that shes confused but it was kinda weird her change of emotions.

the bear part was unexpected, but cool.

your story was random sometimes but i liked overall, i hope that in the near future u write more Mitsu.

good work!
Sakura cc chapter 10 . 9/17/2010
uha i kinda thought Ritsu had a bear encounter when she was lil, but not a tree encounter XD Anywayz, this was cute, and it was nice for Mio to still be confused about her feelings yet seeing Ritsu in danger made her realize her love!
Mitsu LOVE chapter 10 . 9/17/2010
Awww~! soo bittersweet... i love it.. wat a wonderful stroy..
Mitsu LOVE chapter 9 . 9/17/2010
YES! I LOVE U, BoyKyle! YESSSS! I knew it! YES! I KNEW IT! Mio nelongs to Ritsu and Ritsu belongs to Mio! YES! The most perfect, beautiful chapter ever!
Mitsu LOVE chapter 8 . 9/17/2010
this is at least wat i wanted! plEASE! tell me tat THE FUCKED UP SNAKE was just a Mio's plan, Mio fell to Ritsu and she just wanted to confirm? PLEASE! WHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY U WAN TO MAKE ME SUFFER?
Mitsu LOVE chapter 7 . 9/17/2010
hey..i knew u were trying to make Mitsu love gain stronger by storyline..but ya know, ur fic is really PISSING ME OFF! I hate TAT FUCKED UP SNAKE! dun u dare write something about Mio with tat're gonna pay for it (narrow eye)
Mitsu LOVE chapter 6 . 9/17/2010
hahaha! this is GREAT! so believable! hilarious and excited!
Mitsu LOVE chapter 5 . 9/17/2010
Aahhhh! this is sooo heartaching! Mio is sooo mean! WHY! WHY U HAVE TO MAKE RITSU SUFFER? but u did got me! im sooo absorbed in ur fic!
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