Reviews for Love Run Cold
DreamerChild88 chapter 1 . 6/2/2010
Great job!
Red.Gael chapter 1 . 5/13/2010
Loved danny's 'Your a woman right?' Classic!

and this:

Jess laughed, closing her locker again to find that he was half-way through changing his shirt. With his gaze averted, she took the opportunity to covertly admire the sight of him shirtless, something she hadn't seen since his time in the hospital; whatever he did in the precinct gym was definitely worth it. She took a deep breath, reminding herself that shoving him against the lockers and kissing him would not be professional.

To hell with professionalisim I'd say!
Justicerocks chapter 1 . 5/1/2010
I really liked this :D
CSI4lyfNCIS13 chapter 1 . 4/30/2010
Buying CSI NY on DVD , no idea, buying CSI NY millions and billions, seeing or rather imagining Don Flack shirtless and imagining Angell pushing his against the lockers and kissing him senseless? Priceless. I loved it. Loved the
"Angell! Thank God. You're a woman, right?"
"Thanks for noticing."
Plus also in love with the
"And here I thought what we had was special." Don retorted.
saturn567 chapter 1 . 4/30/2010
awesome job! liked the story!
afrozenheart412 chapter 1 . 4/30/2010
Her thoughts on how she was adopted into the pack was amazing! Of course they would accept her, she is smart, dedicated, and doesn't back down!

I love this and how Jess helps Danny in letting him know that he shouldn't 'push' the situation, just to let it lie for now. But I do have to ask did you intentionally take the breath from us when you had Don take his shirt off? :D Of course she was watching, he may smell bad but the sight was totally worth it! You should quit apologizing, it is plausible that for the marathon race that Jess caught that case. :) It would have been cool to see.

Favorite lines

"The crime lab as a whole was a much tighter group and she had realised quickly that Don was part of that family. Never in a million years had she expected them to 'adopt' her too.
Danny's assertion that they would deal with Thacker if he kept giving her a problem cemented her place in that family.
She was a little sister again, but this time she didn't mind so much."

"Danny glanced up. "Angell! Thank God. You're a woman, right?"
"Thanks for noticing." Jess responded dryly."

"With his gaze averted, she took the opportunity to covertly admire the sight of him shirtless, something she hadn't seen since his time in the hospital; whatever he did in the precinct gym was definitely worth it. She took a deep breath, reminding herself that shoving him against the lockers and kissing him would not be professional."

Might not be professional...but so much fun! ;)

"Danny shook his head. "I will never understand women. So what do I do?"
"Nothing." Jess insisted. "You told her you're there if she needs something?"
"Then you do nothing and wait for her to come to you." Jess insisted. "Don't push her on this, Danny."
Danny sighed. "Alright, alright. I hear you." He finished his beer. "I'd better get home. I got an early shift."

"Don nodded absently. "So how was your case?"
"Woman poisoned a marathon runner because he was responsible for a car accident that left her brother paralysed." Jess summarised. "Yours?"
"Man stabbed his girlfriend with an ice-sceptre filled with vodka because she'd dumped him after he got back from telling his parents they were getting married." Don responded. "Not sure which one of us got the worse case. Location?"
"Central Park …"
"I had to spend two hours interviewing witnesses in an icy cold bar." Don smirked. "I win."
Jess sniggered. "Next round's on me then."
terriberri23 chapter 1 . 4/29/2010
So shoving Flack against the lockers and kissing him might not be professional but I'm thinking prfessionlism is overrated. Another great addition to your series.
Runner043 chapter 1 . 4/29/2010
I love the line... You're a woman, right?"... that was great, and so Danny. Of course, the part with Flack shirtless was pretty good, too!