Reviews for Protecting Me
Belletrist Word Salad chapter 1 . 10/11/2014
This should totally get more reviews! I've been searching for the perfect fic about Harry Mason's final moments, and I've found it. The last time Heather saw him, the phone call, the surprise attack from Claudia and the Missionary...I honestly don't think anyone could've done it better
cutecumbers chapter 1 . 9/16/2012
Took the words right out of my mouth with that author's note. I wish there was more information pertaining to Harry & Heather's relationship. This fanfiction was sweet... even in his last moments he thinks of Heather's safety. :)
Detective KJ chapter 1 . 6/13/2010
This...was great! I loved how you described Harry and Heather's parent-child relationship.

It was sad about his death in SH3...and this seems very possibly how it happened! 8D

Great work! _

xSummonerYunax chapter 1 . 4/28/2010
Yay, another wonderful SH one-shot from you. I like how you incorporated observations from the game to build Heather's character (ex: cigarettes). This was an excellent alternate viewing from Harry's side on the events that led to his death from wanting to protect Heather. You merge it nicely with the intro of SH3. Really carefully planned out, great work!

Just one thing that popped out to me that made me slightly confused: Was the Missionary in the room with Claudia when she first appeared? I doubt that since Harry didn't mention seeing the Missionary (you obviously can't miss the Missionary if it were standing in your room!), but as he charged toward Claudia, the Missionary seemed to have appeared from nowhere.

Besides that, everything was perfect. Nicely written descriptions, prose, characterizations, etc. The locket of Aglaophostis was also a great touch, though I'm curious to know who's the speaker with the melodic voice.