Reviews for Where Do I Begin
SandyJump chapter 1 . 4/21/2017
love the story, hope next one is up soon.
FlaFan chapter 33 . 5/27/2014
Just re-read this...Lovely, emotional story!
GageDeSotoFan chapter 1 . 11/17/2012
Beautiful story, beautifully written. Love that you portray Johnny as a capable adult. As much as my inner teenager loves Johnny Gage, LOL, I always wanted him to find love. He needed it and deserved it. Thanks for this story.
SaraiEsq chapter 33 . 8/17/2012
You made me cry! Happy tears. Excellent read.
SaraiEsq chapter 22 . 8/17/2012
Love the decommissioned fire station too!
SaraiEsq chapter 18 . 8/17/2012
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the coffee mugs!
starlight guardian chapter 4 . 8/1/2011
Good for Dixie, but I'd love to see the crew's faces to John's news. And good for Mike, steering Chet away.
starlight guardian chapter 1 . 8/1/2011
Aww, you know I'm rereading this story. Your first impression of Elise is something horrific happened, you don't expect John to go for someone with scars, but then she speaks, and her first concern is John. I love her!
starlight guardian chapter 24 . 4/23/2011
I love this story so much, and this chapter just makes me cry. You have nailed the nursing home problems. My best friend works in a nursing home, has actually worked in several. Trust me, a good nursing home is worth the money, but most of the situations are very sad.
starlight guardian chapter 33 . 4/1/2011
I love this story. Out of all the "life partner potentials" created for John Gage, Elise is my absolute favorite. I like the fact this woman is just as courageous as John and that she has life issues to deal with, granted a little more dramatic than the usual. And I'm so glad she is NOT model gorgeous, not that Johnny does not deserve it but he was so attacted to the "look" rather than the "substance", I knew he had it him. Thank you for a wonderful story and I am looking forward to the sequel.
jerseybelle chapter 33 . 3/26/2011
Well, this is the third time I've read this fic and I still love it. Will you be publishing the sequel soon? You did say there was one in the works.
jannieB chapter 33 . 2/1/2011
I love this story. It's wonderful. Don't let anyone tell you different. If they don't get it it's their problem, not yours. Can't wait for the further adventures of Johnny & Elise.
Amethyst9 chapter 33 . 12/28/2010
Just read this whole story. Very good writing! The plot is engaging, the canon characters stay in character, and the OC is believable. While I have not read the other reviews, I have read some of your comments. First, I think you should look for a beta reader to help with the grammatical errors. There's not a lot, but a few that keep cropping up: spelling/homophone confusion (damns things aren't usually caught by spell checkers) and quotation marks (not needed for every sentence spoken by the same character in the same paragraph, but an open set should start each paragraph with a close set when the character quits speaking). I liked the minor confusion surrounding Elise's family (particularly the brothers-in-law, made me wonder if they were working together), when you finally separated them it made me think I should have seen it all along; I like being made to think while reading - Good Job!

I hope you start to post the sequel soon. I'm looking forward to seeing how Elise's surgery will turn out.
DoubleNatural chapter 33 . 12/19/2010
It's taken me a couple of days to find the time to finish this story, but you've had me hooked. I'm absolutely looking forward to the continuation.
crokettsgirl chapter 33 . 9/23/2010
Sorry it took so long to read this beautiful ending to this part of the story. I love the first part of this chapter. How Johnny is twisting his ring and starring off and Mike says he is content and peaceful. Then Johnny asking Roy how long it lasts and explaining how things have always been like that between him and Elise.

Oh and then the wedding I adored it. The beauty of the costumes that they wore, what the eagle feathers meant and John being excepted by Elise's Indain Uncle. What was nice too was finally the Indian side of Elise's family was excepted by an in law as well. You did a wonderful job with the wedding and showing how Elise is looking out for John. How John is so caught up in her, so in love with her and her with him. Oh and loved how you put in the song "Love Story" I had the musical 45 without words and would play it all the time, what a tear jerker that movie was. Great job on this part. I can't wait to see how the second part comes and Elise's surgery and the continual story of John and Elise's love Story. Sue
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