Reviews for When A Feather Falls
Blacksword 1 chapter 7 . 2/14/2013
Great work wonder if 7 will be able get out of her cell and if she will stay or run into the wastelands and never comeback I know 1 will let her out his mind will tear him apart
LuluCalliope chapter 7 . 3/17/2012
Aww...end of chapter.

Please, please update!
LuluCalliope chapter 3 . 3/17/2012
Yes, you're right: 6 did need more screen time!

Great story so far. I usually don't support 5/7 pairings, but...this could be an exception. I'm not sure yet. I'll just keep reading!
LuluCalliope chapter 1 . 3/17/2012
In answer to your question, I think you are pulling the characters off quite nicely. I can't wait to read more.
InvaderComa chapter 6 . 9/14/2011
Missybeautimus chapter 5 . 4/26/2011
Hmm... Might 1 have his will broken, instead? Might he go talk to 7 outside the door? If you decide to do so, then the rest is left to you. :3

By the way, I love the story. :D
redwhistle chapter 5 . 2/13/2011
So I saw this on here, and went to fave it... and then saw there were four more chapters! I got all excited. :D

I'm really enjoying it so far, and I hope you plan to continue working on it. But even if you don't, I like what you have here, and that first chapter really can work as a one-shot.
Kimsa Ki-Lurria chapter 5 . 8/27/2010
Liked this chapter, even if it did seem like filler to you. I would enjoy some more interaction between 1 and 7, there any hope of there being MORE tha implied? Like some actual evidence of the pairing? On another note, I'm interested to see what 2 and 5 are planning to do to help 7. )

Thanks for updating again!

0 chapter 4 . 7/29/2010
i think it's time for an intervention, 1...

(great story! keep it up!)
too lazy to log in chapter 2 . 7/29/2010
what 7 needs is some corrosive acid. she can just burn a hole in her room's wall and sneak out whenever, cover it with a box or something.
ARGH chapter 2 . 7/29/2010
Is it just me or is that rollerblade/bed the worst place you can put a sleeping person? there's sharp blades and heavy objects hanging on 10-year old hooks and strings. really.
Kimsa Ki-Lurria chapter 4 . 7/24/2010
Ooh! Glad to see this has been updated. There were quite a few typos, but you had everyone acting as they should. Oh, 1. Why deny your true feelings and hide 7 away?

Suggestions? I would like to see 1 visit 7 in her imprisonment. He'd probably have 8 wait outside in case 7 retaliates, since he's just that, well, cowardly, but I think his guilt could finally wear him down enough that he pays her visits. Perhaps he could try and make her see that her imprisonment is "for the best."

This would be best, I think, because the only one who can sway 1's mind when he's being stubborn is 1 himself. He would be the one to set 7 free, I think. 5 isn't brave enough - too afraid of 8 - and 2 is too passive. 3 and 4...I haven't seen them. Where are they? I forget, have they left for the library yet?

That's all the suggestions I have for now, but if you want anything more, just go on and send me a PM. I'm more than willing to help and offer advice, especially since this is the onl 'fic I've seen and I really don't want to see it die or stall.

Kimsa Ki-Lurria chapter 3 . 6/18/2010
That picture 6 drew...maybe of 1 and 7? Poor 5. He's getting in the way of the relationship, or I suspect he will, but you can't help but feel sorry for the little guy. He's just too nice!

Anyway, great chapter, even if it was a little long in coming. Update

Kimsa Ki-Lurria chapter 2 . 5/26/2010
What I like about this story is that you explore a different side of 1, and you provide an explanation for 7's dislike of 1, other than the obvious reason.

Ha...she tells herself that he hates her and vice versa, only to distract herself from the fact that it's the exact opposite of hate...

:D This story makes me smile. Update?

OptimusxElita4ever chapter 2 . 5/26/2010
Gah! Cliffhanger!

I think you're doing a great job so far. They're all in-character, and I'm happy to see 1 portrayed in a way other than 'evil and controlling'.

'Til next time! :)
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