Reviews for Hermione's Project
Imwaiting4myAliceandEdward chapter 24 . 4/20
Thank you for sharing this HG/SS story.
robituputup chapter 24 . 12/25/2018
Lovely story! Thank you for the great reading piece!
robituputup chapter 4 . 12/23/2018
I absolutely love this sentence : "I'll try but you know what he's like when he's conscious."
Going back to reading :)
gisela19wwe chapter 24 . 9/22/2018
Woow this was such a lovely history, I was hoping for a epilogue but I am happy with the end so thank you!
era-romance chapter 24 . 11/25/2015
just me 5000 chapter 12 . 7/23/2014
I love this story so far. I do hope at some point you are inspired to write more fan fiction as you have a wonderful talent. I love the originality of this story and the slow development of relationships between the characters.
Nella Hyuga chapter 24 . 10/29/2013
LOL the second time she caught them snogging :3 awesome!
BearyFunny66 chapter 24 . 7/14/2013
Love the story!
Aisha04 chapter 24 . 5/1/2013
I enjoyed it
Lil'MissChris chapter 8 . 1/30/2013
Hi there! I've been reading your story for the past few minutes and I love the plot, but I would like to give you some constructive criticism.

I would suggest getting a beta for your grammar. I notice missing punctuation in various places.

The other thing I would have liked to see-from what I've read so far-is a little more narrative. Writers rule of thumb is: If you've written more than 10 lines of dialogue, it's time for narrative.

Your story is a little more like reading screenwriting, rather than a story. Which I truly mean no offense by. It's just that as of yet, your story seems to be lacking a little bit of imagery. I can't see the things playing out in my head.

Other than those things, I look forward to finishing this story.

rainfall1310 chapter 24 . 1/5/2013
I Love this:) Good Job!
AmyPond159 chapter 17 . 8/25/2012
This story would be exceptable rated t. Btw GREAT STORY! (forgot to review before starting to go back) its rare for me to read a story all the way through if it's over 10 chapters so yeah.
Montara chapter 24 . 6/16/2012
Loved it. Thank you!
RousseFille chapter 24 . 2/6/2012
Yay! Loved the ending! Just the right amount of cheese with the reunion of Harry and Sirius, and the latter's interactions with Severus and Hermione was done well.

And how Severus and Hermione delt with the announcement (or lack there of) of their relationship was done perfectly! It always seems so unnatural in other fanfic stories when Snape suddenly feels the need to reveal his true feelings infront of a bunch of people he probably doesn't care about.

But one problem I had is with the M rating on the story. I guess the teacher/student relationship is taboo, but I think it could have been a possible T. I kept waiting for a smutty sex scene, but was disappointed :(

But I give complete forgiveness because their relationship was so cute! And I guess if they were to jump into bed with each other (in the figurative sense, because they did literally sleep together several times! :D) the story and Hermione and Snape's relationship mey not have been as natural and sweet :)

Anyway, swell job, and thank you for the lovely story!

RousseFille chapter 18 . 2/5/2012
So I found your story this afternoon and have just fallen in love with the story :)I love your Severus and Hermione and their relationship. It had developed in such a sweet way, and how you have them as equals and their banter back a forth is insanely hilarious!

But Oh my God! In this last chapter, when you had Snape say to Malfoy, "You little shit!" were you knowingly paying an homage to A Very Potter Musical? Either way, whether you be a fellow StarKid or not, reading it made me insanely happy! :D

Now to continue reading!

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