Reviews for Half Life 2 Episode 4: Possibilities
Guest chapter 1 . 11/25/2019
Guest chapter 1 . 11/25/2019
Guest chapter 37 . 1/7/2019
... Really?
Guest chapter 35 . 1/7/2019

Same guy from before that was complaining about all the characters dying... point and case. What was the point of killing Dog? He hasn't driven the plot at all, BUT readers enjoy him, so killing him off just makes it harder to read without any impact on the story.

Look, all this came out almost a decade ago, lol, but in the case you're still reading these reviews... No one likes a story where everyone dies in the end.
Guest chapter 26 . 1/3/2019
I've read all the way through Ep 3, and now this far into Ep 4. You're writing skills are impressive, I'm able to put myself into the world you've built and be entertained. Through Ep 3, I kind of enjoyed some of the off the wall things you were doing with the characters, because you seemed to put a bow on it in a way that the reader was rewarded for sticking with it.

That being said, parts of this episode are frustrating the piss out of me. It's chaos and violence, with no meaning and no fan service at all (this is a fan fic, right?). Through two Episodes, Gordon and Shepard haven't even spoken to one another. Having played the games in their entirety, I'm just not sure the blood lusting super soldier you've named Shepard is believable at all.

Also, how many times are you going to kill off characters that Half-Life fans enjoy, and are attached to? You have literally inserted insane plot mechanics just to bring them back, but then you wipe them out again in an anticlimactic manner. You have killed Shepard three, count 'em, three times without it really having any effect on the story. Barney and Alyx twice, but why? I'm going to finish reading, just because I'm stubborn I suppose. I'll do this in spite of the Superman clone, super cocky Gman, his contrived twin and the endless deaths of integral characters. As a reader, and a fan, you have kind of removed any incentive I have to see the story through though. All of the characters I care about are dead with the exception of Gordon.

I know this was supposed to be a chapter review, but I got carried away. Once again, nothing personal, I appreciate your work writing this.

Ep 3: 4/5
Ep 4 (so far): 2/5
Chap 23 chapter 24 . 2/15/2014
Good chapter. Don't knock yourself.
imnotraven16 chapter 37 . 6/22/2013
excellent story
Daross chapter 37 . 1/6/2012
This is amazing, the way you write is incredible, I loved the ending, however there are some things that are bothering me.

Namely, if the entirety of the half-life universe in your fan fiction was a simulation, how could to Gordon Freemans exist, independently, the way I see it either they were both the actual Gordon and that was why they acted so similar despite having lived certain events differently or one of them was not real, if the second one is correct, which Freeman was the real Freeman, If the first was correct, why was Gordon unaware that he was literally two people.

Also though I liked the plot twist, I feel that it was lacking, I believe there were many possibilities with the ending, I was not disappointed that Gordon Freeman killed himself, because in that situation most people probably would, but I believe you created an idea that could be explored more and taken in almost any direction, as such I believe that killing Gordon was not the best ending and am wondering if you would perhaps delve deeper into the idea and if you felt a need to expand on it.


Illusionary Science
Rienuaa chapter 37 . 8/13/2011
I am not ashamed in saying this: I totally love the gman. You put him in perfectly, his dialogue and actions seemed cannon enough that I would be shocked if this isn't already a valve game.

That being said, your ending made me rage.
Souzou the Insane chapter 37 . 3/24/2011
The ending feels reasonably unresolved, but overall, this was a GREAT read. Honestly, any ending was likely to be highly judged no matter what had happened, so I'm willing to leave it at my own preference/expectation.

Fantastic job!
nolongerneededorwanted chapter 37 . 1/22/2011
I definitely didn't expect this. Normally, the "it was all a dream" or in this case stimulation, ending doesn't go down well, and can ruin an otherwise awesome story, but you really pulled it off. So far, Episode 3:Possibilities and this are the best continuation and end to the Half-Life series even though I hate the idea of Gordon actually dying at the end(at least I think he seemed like he ended up killing himself at the end...which is understandable considering that he just found out that all of the people that he loved and cared for never really existed...:'(

Trar chapter 25 . 1/5/2011
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and Episode 3. Your level of writing is exceptional.
DutchStarFoxFan chapter 37 . 12/29/2010
Most. Awesome. Story. Ever.

Damn! I love this story so much that i read it like, 5 times, while crying and then laughing and then totally shaking from the tension.

I was totally pissed at the ending at first, but after rereading it i decided that it would give some kind of... meaning to it.

I hope you keep writing and i wish you a good 2011.
Kinsmen From A Far Star chapter 37 . 12/14/2010
A Truelly Brillant peice of work. Fantastic. I loved the twist in the end. thought, all the twists make it hard to belive.


Great work! this is possibly the best Fan Fiction I ever read.
Holywarrior chapter 37 . 11/25/2010
Holy freaking crap man, two epic twists in just a few hundred words...Christ man, you really had me going. I 100% believed that the Combine was benevolent and misunderstood. That alone was pretty surprising, but then revealing that it was just an elaborate ploy that they implement on all planets? Epic man, seriously.

Now, usually the whole 'it was all a simulation/dream and none of it happened or mattered' is something I absolutely hate. I think it's cheap, pointless, unnecessary, and a really easy way to get a twist ending. However, I am completely amazed as to how you not only managed to pull it off, but did so in a way that was skillful and satisfying to read. It's amazingly overwhelming, to think that everything Gordon has ever known was a lie, and that no one in the simulation ever existed. The entire scale of this is overwhelming by itself.

I admit, I WAS kind of pissed at first, but after giving the second half of 36 and chapter 37 a few thorough re-reads, I have to admit, it was a very brilliant way to end the story. It says a lot about your ability to write that you managed to do this, and still end the story in a satisfying way. I have to admit though, considering the twists in your last story, in retrospect I can't help but to think that I kind of should of expected something like this. But I digress.

I am being 100% honest here when I say that you have serious skill as a writer. Not just potential, but an honest-to-god gift for this. You may not think much of yourself, but writing like this when you're only 14? Holy shit man, you're practically a prodigy! You can write better now than I ever could, and I do so constantly, with several years of experience. I tip my hat to you sir, for an amazing story, an excellent read, and a shocking twist with an epic ending! I'll be watching for another story from the future, and I eagerly await it!
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