Reviews for Wheel Of Misfortune
Saissa chapter 1 . 10/24/2013
82% believe in an afterlife.
they believe in something with absolutely NO PROOF?
NOT one single person has ever come back from the dead to tell us that yes there is an afterlife.
oops - sorry - except Jesus - and well, that was 2000 years ago. I'd like to hear from someone who died a little more recently...

So I guess I must be one of the 18% who do NOT believe in an afterlife.
Victoria Mallard chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
OMG... this is crazy... and awesome at the same time. Thank you for bringing all of my favourite crewmembers aboard, and especially for focussing on Stan! I also loved to see Pacci again, and Ari, and Faith Coleman and good old Tobias... And now I understand why there was no room for Ducky and Palmer! If Ducky had been there, they'd spent forever even to introduce themselves ;-)
Great fic, well done!
SherryGabs chapter 1 . 4/20/2010
I love originality and uniqueness in a story. This fit the bill, and was very fun, too. Also nice to see a Stan story.

Well done and bravo!
scousemuz1k chapter 1 . 4/20/2010
Oh, that was fun! Gibbs takes charge - of course! Wants Ari gone; great reaction, wanting to use his bye right away.

Where did you get the alien names? I've bee staring at them wanting to make acronyms... failed totally.

I wondered why the audience was disappearing; the parallel to extreme betting on Earth was well made. And Abby's remark about death and taxes... perfect ending!