Reviews for SasoDei Captured by Art
FallenAngelCas chapter 1 . 10/13/2011
Whoa! O_O Where did Deidara learn to do that?
VadMustang chapter 1 . 11/9/2010
loved it!
shadowdolls chapter 1 . 5/19/2010
wow this is actually nice O.O
Keono chapter 1 . 4/19/2010
interesting, I'm thinking of bringing my smut filled notebook to school with me so I can write there, then when I'm done with the chpt I can go straight home and type! I think it's efficient!

Oh no the other kid is now a ball of paper!
DeeaE chapter 1 . 4/19/2010
love it
BlissfulGP chapter 1 . 4/19/2010
I liked this (as I do all your stories that I've read! ;P). I think that was a good ending place since you didn't want to take it further.
Blood Drenched Scorpion chapter 1 . 4/19/2010
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Simple, creative added with the classic Victorian theme of artists. Simple and clean would be the right word. As for your grammar, vocabulary and pronounciation: Its ok. Simple grammar, choice of words though the Victorian theme might confuse younger readers. The 'un's are forgiven in the pronounciation part. The way the painting describe Sasori was perfect. I presume this is your first T-rated story? On the other hand...sorry about my rant in 'Replica Deity'. I was in a really down-sided, and in the same time this story came up. Con-Sasori stories just piss me off. Though it did 'motivated' me to post three pro-stories about Sasori at the same time. Good luck on your aims. 60 Sasodei stories to go!