Reviews for Anamnesis
CherryRed70 chapter 1 . 12/14/2016
3 So much love for The Difference and this follow up story as well. Thank you. 3
OldSFfan chapter 1 . 2/17/2013
Fine story. Sweet, sad, good.
hcficawardsmods chapter 1 . 9/23/2010

This fanfic has been nominated for an award at the LiveJournal community hc_fanficawards. Please see http: hc_fanficawards/10281 . html (take out the spaces) for details and to collect your nominee banner.

Voting begins October 1st. Good luck!
Tanjuschka00 chapter 1 . 5/1/2010
that's the dam break of every true hameron heart. Story of pure bliss, so damn good. Love this! Thanks!
AllegraDante chapter 1 . 4/24/2010
You really love angst don't you? :P

This was a beautiful, sometimes painful, but very fitting end to The Difference. It was really sad to see House pretty much at the end of his life, but I'm glad that he and Cameron were able to stay together after their second chance. There were many gorgeous descriptions here that K has already mentioned, and your usual touches of humor. This was marvelous E.

You've grown so much (and so fast) as a writer. I'm glad I read your very first foray into fan fiction and that you continued to write. It's been a treat knowing you and reading your terrific fics. *hugs*
girl-scout47 chapter 1 . 4/18/2010
Great sequel :-D
an-ocean-in-the-sky chapter 1 . 4/17/2010
I almost forgot to come over here and favorite this. The descriptions in this part are so perfect, so spot on. The flamethrower metaphor, and "words sharpened on the rough edges of your pain..." are such beautiful/bittersweet imagery.

"You don't hear her approach, as wrapped up as you are in your own private hell. Your thigh burns as if it had been painted with jet fuel and set ablaze by a flamethrower. Sweat beads on your forehead and drips down the side of your face, mixing with the tears leaking unnoticed from your eyes. If there had been pain pills anywhere within reach you would have already downed them without a second thought.

She sits down beside you on the couch, sliding her hands under yours and taking over massaging your ruined leg, just like she used to when she lived here. It's just your luck that the first time she stays over since you've been involved again, this would happen. You didn't want her to see you like this and it's all you can do to not push her away, if not physically, then with words sharpened on the rough edges of your pain. That's what the old you would've done. And you would've felt perfectly justified in doing so, as if the agony you were in gave you the right to be cruel. And the drugs, the drugs gave you the means to forget the hurt in her eyes every time you wounded her. But that's not who you want to be anymore and suddenly you're grateful there aren't any pills nearby. You meet her eyes and murmur your thanks, laying your head back against the cushions, and letting her do what little she can. It helps."

And I love House's growth. How he knows what would happen if he'd had pills, and how he's glad he doesn't, no matter how much harder it is to deal with the pain. And I especially love that moment when he realizes he's taken her for granted again and plowed right over her wishes and needs with his plan to move to Denver, just like he used to do.

Thank you again, so much, for writing this for me.
Sokerchick chapter 1 . 4/17/2010
I like this story a lot. I'm not usually one for House/Cameron but the relationship aspect of this story is a lot more realistic than most writers. You've made their relationship sound plausible while keeping them both in character. Well done.
AllyCameron chapter 1 . 4/17/2010
The perfect sequel for a brilliant story!
KittyX1981 chapter 1 . 4/17/2010
very sweet
Potterworm chapter 1 . 4/16/2010
The entire time I read this, I kept thinking to myself that it felt like a sequel to another story I had read recently. Then I checked the author's note and your pen name and realized I was right. Once again, a good story.
crs4985 chapter 1 . 4/16/2010
Aw, I love this. And I also loved The Difference. It made my day when you posted a follow-up. I wish that you'd write more follow-ups! I think that you do a really good job of staying true to the characters!
All-I-need chapter 1 . 4/16/2010
Have I ever mentioned how much I love your Hameron-stories?

Gosh, this is such a great sequel to The Difference!

I love all those flashbacks and how everything worked out in the end. Thank god for that. Or rather...thank you for that. *laugh*

So they actually missed one of the pill bottles? Wow...and now its all gone. Its truly amazing how such a tiny thing could cause so much trouble. *sigh* But its all resolved now.

I love this story, just as much as the other ones.

Isi )
jpoeling chapter 1 . 4/16/2010
Sad to see House reduced to wheels but it is very realistic of what would happen. Without a thigh muscle and old age it would be bound to happen. This was a great conclusion to your story and really is a nice ending.
Shootingstar7123 chapter 1 . 4/16/2010
This is lovely without being unbelievable. Great follow-up to The Difference!