Reviews for Ousted
cross-over-lover232 chapter 2 . 9/6/2010
such a cute fic,and yes she is OOC but it still suits her i hope to see more soon!
mystic-Hoshi chapter 2 . 5/18/2010
Yay she's staying at his house. xD Feliks was so random..he just lets himself in and gets all scared hahah.

Toris kept her room there...seems like something he would do. He just wanted her to come back. ;_;
A Bleach-Drinking Hetalian chapter 2 . 5/16/2010

Natalia, you know Toris is better for you then Russia~

Russia, don't hurt Liet, or I'll make your capital Warsaw!

Creepy dream... -shudders-

But my dreams are always darker then that, even.

I do love this story!

Your works are always so aweosme and origional~

And oh so very detailed.

Anywhoo, please keep up the aweosme work!

Stay aweosme!

(/ w)/
mystic-Hoshi chapter 1 . 4/15/2010
You have a good writing style, but I feel that there is too much needless details..You write alot of description, which is good, but sometimes I don't see the point. For example, the part where they were cooking eggs, and also the shower part. I think a shorter description would be enough, as there isn't much else happening. (I, on the other hand, need to write more description. _ But there should be a balance to it. Just something I noticed.)

Also, I don't get what the main storyline is about yet, although near the end of this chapter there seems to be a focus that is developing. I hope to find out more in the next chapter.
VX chapter 1 . 4/15/2010
Aw that was so good! :"

Update soon pls?