Reviews for He'll Wait
deleted9 chapter 1 . 6/16/2010
She really is lucky to have him be so strong ...or well strong for her anyway and beside her even when she's so ...I don't like saying damaged..but damaged emotionally anyway. I think this line says a lot: " so that she can get away from the monster she hadn't known was right beside her all along." Sad, sad sad. It makes me want to watch the series again, reading all of these. It's funny how going back and watching it see a heck of a lot more times when Henry is being creepy haha, and him hugging and kissing Trish just makes me want to yell at him lol. I only cried once in that series though..I mean, I kinda teared up when he killed Trish and when Abby killed him, but dang..when Chloe jumped off that bridge...geesh haah, that killed me. Great job!