Reviews for iCarly With Special Guests: Danny Phantom and Sam
Michael chapter 1 . 7/6/2014
Well icarly began at the same time that show ended, and there both owned by Nick, so yea I could have seen that happen in the first season.
hispanicswag chapter 1 . 5/16/2014
it was short but i like it ]
Sam Manson Repilica chapter 1 . 9/4/2013
cool crossover
yamiwolf chapter 1 . 11/25/2012
nice job i love it so much. :D
dxphantom chapter 1 . 8/22/2012
Pretty good story. You could of add more to it but I thought it is there good
The-Unwritten1219 chapter 1 . 7/6/2012
i loved that it was great u combined 2 of my favroite show and made an awsome
PrayerGirl chapter 1 . 6/21/2012
This is a good idea and you have a pretty good start, but maybe a little more would help. :D
wolf girl chapter 1 . 4/13/2012
love it!
xGoldxRosex chapter 1 . 8/2/2011
It was very rushed, and it had no plot. You basically just had Sam and Danny explain things that we already knew. And I agree with one of the reviews below, you overused the word said. It should've been longer and had more plot to it rather than just having them explain things. It was quite plain and it could've have been a lot better. Sorry for the bad review but I'm honest in my reviews(:
myjumpingsocks chapter 1 . 7/20/2011
Nothing happened in this, there was no plot, and you over-used the word "said" so much it got pretty annoying.
jokerboy66 chapter 1 . 12/2/2010
Cool! Icarly x Danny Phantom? Awesome! :)
Update of fucking die chapter 1 . 11/13/2010
rocketninjaslap chapter 1 . 10/28/2010
omg! i luv that show, bu tthey never show it anymore! what the hell happened?
Madigan Keen chapter 1 . 8/29/2010
really cool, but it coulda been longer
Likes2Laugh chapter 1 . 6/24/2010
Not really sure how carttons mix with actors but it was still good ;)
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