Reviews for oh she's going to kill you
Rabid Fairie chapter 1 . 4/5/2015
It's really upsetting that you didn't even try. The characters are OOC and you need to flesh out the plot more (and actually have a plot). You're grammar, puntuation and spelling is horrendous and it made it painful to read. I suggest getting a Beta and turning on spellcheck. You need to describe the basics - Who, What, When, Were, How - because nothing here makes sense and I have no idea what the hecks going on.

P.S You spelt 'grammar' wrong in you're name
liz chapter 1 . 10/12/2014
finish, don't leave off the conversation like that.
team Leo leader chapter 1 . 3/24/2014
I like the idea of the story, but I find it really helpful if I read my chapters over before I publish and look for errors. I also have my friend the beta ( loststorisehogwartz ) check it over if I really want to be a perfectionist. Double-checking always helps :) and dont take the comments below to heart, some of them just want to help (but dome of them are just being mean) so take their ideas into consideration and don't give up on your story! (I like stories with meddling as I said in my first review)

-team Leo leader
team Leo leader chapter 1 . 3/24/2014
I like the idea of the story, but I find it really helpful if I read my chapters over before I publish and look for errors. I also have my friend the beta ( loststorisehogwartz ) check it over if I really want to be a perfectionist. Double-checking always helps :) and dont take the comments below to heart, some of them just want to help (but dome of them are just being mean) so take their ideas into consideration and don't give up on your story! (And I like trouble making in stories)

-team Leo leader
queenoftoomanyfandoms chapter 1 . 3/24/2014
Charizard chapter 1 . 1/1/2014
WTF. Why the hell would you write this crap? Just please spare me from the perils of OCCness and all the things that pollute this fandom.
PS. Why do you read Twilight? It's freaking stupid.
Foxface chapter 1 . 7/20/2013 of the good authors Tearful shadows were accused of stealing your work. U better try to rectify this, because you are far fomr a good writer, and your stories don't make sense. I think you are just jealous, and you better stop claiming other's works as your own
Guest chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
Didn't make sense
DandelionsAndDaydreams chapter 1 . 5/12/2012
What the firetruck?

Okay, I'm going to attempt to help you with this. Dear God bless me.

First of all, you grammar isn't bad. It sucks like crap. And your plots are worse. Honestly, the spelling was okay, but I don't think you went three words without an obvious grammatical error. Please, for the sake of all things holy and pure, get a Beta who is *extremely* patient.

The plot line sucks. I'm not even sure what it was. In the summary you said something about a... website? What the fudge? And then you TRIED to go all "mushy-fluff," but it didn't work. You don't even have the basics of writing down.

How do we fix this? GET A FREAKING BETA, OR PAY ATTENTION IN ENGLISH! Jeez, it's not that hard! And if you can't pay attention or if all your beta's die from the suckiness of it all, just do us all a favor and stop writing.

Wow. I tried to help you but a total hate review came out. Your story was so bad it made ME write a FLAME. I DON'T write flames, like, ever!

Wow. I'm going to go puke in a bucket now.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/12/2011
You have bad grammar girl. Enough said.
Thalico-freak-99-Hecatejewel chapter 1 . 7/22/2011
Guest chapter 1 . 7/11/2011
*shudder* *averts eyes* *throws up* YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN BE ALLOWED ON ! Your pen name says it all. 'bad-grammar-girl' SERIOUSLY! THE FIRST SENTENCE HAD ME THROWING UP IN MY MOUTH A LITTLE! Me and my awesome girlfriend Annabeth is not gramatically correct. It should be-

'My awesome girlfriend, Annabeth, and I.'

Please delete this so others don't have the unfortuante luck of reading this accidentally.


(PS) Feel free to PM and rant. It'll be funny to hear what you have to say fro yourself. :P
Bech chapter 1 . 3/9/2011
Love it bech
Wavegirl245 chapter 1 . 12/24/2010
What had this country come to?
Lieutenant Of Artemis chapter 1 . 9/21/2010
*Added to my community

Need I say more?

-Lieutenant of Artemis
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