Reviews for Fate and Destiny
Guest chapter 7 . 7/29/2011
I can't believe that I haven't reviewed this! This is like one of the first fanfics I ever read! I really did enjoy it, and for something you wrote nearly 10 years ago, it's quality is exemplary. Could you tell me your inspiration and thoughts on what you've written here?
Dragons Ashes chapter 7 . 5/25/2011
its been what?

almost 10 years since you wrote this!

am not gonna lie, I didnt read the first chapter, since I didnt knew who the hell were you talking, so I started reading from chapter 2 and on, and each time the story got better, although Marller was a little Out of Character


but man, the ending really did it for me, the thing about the Scarf, wow, it really made me feel some sort of pain in my chest


Its sad that Belldandy knew she was gonna stay without K1 since pretty much half of the fic onward. Your detail about that damn scarf really makes your fic a favorite.

Thank you writing this, I really enjoy it
KokuryuhaaGirl chapter 7 . 8/25/2002

*puppy dog eyes* Maybe a sequel explaining the revival of Keichii and the destruction of Destiny? *sniff* Or SOMETHING!

I. Need. To. Read.


That was so damn GOOD! I need MORE!


DB Sommer chapter 1 . 2/13/2002
A beautiful work, as I've told you before. Full of bitter ironies and tragic fates, but at the same time full of hope. It's not easy balancing these emotions out, but you manage to do it in a minimalist way.
short.essay chapter 7 . 2/12/2002
So mote it? Isn't that from the TP books?

GOOD story! I loved it!
Damien chapter 7 . 2/9/2002
So... There never was a "Keiichi". He was just a persona created and manipulated by the sleeping "Destiny". A sad thought considering Keiichi is one of my favorite characters. Still a very good story, especially compared to the normal tripe found on
Saggit chapter 1 . 2/7/2002
Glad to see this story posted here-finally. Among a large amount of adolescent fangirl wishwash, this short story stands out for its distinctive plot, memorable treatment, command of the language and character. Infernal evil ceases to be a simple story catalyst, and takes on its more ancient meaning of revolt; and through it all, the personalities of each participant remains well-defined and compelling.