Reviews for Death, Conflict and the Heroes of Time
Stalflare chapter 1 . 10/31/2012
Ahem, is it purely coincidental that my pen name is used in this story?
Creature chapter 29 . 9/3/2012
Hello there:

You know, when looking for a good fanfic to read, one often runs into crap stories. Perverted twists that usually don't match up with the original idea that the univerce is baced upon.

This, was not one of them. I've read all 29 chapters over the corse of the past 2 days, and I have to say. Good! JOB!

Now, to be honest, I've never played WW. In fact, it's one of those cases that I've heard so much bad stuff about it, I haven't dared to play it. Perhaps it's predetermined judgement, but yeah.
But regardless, this story, and in fact, the two prior, were three of the best stories I've read in a wile on here.

Part three though, was the shining facter in it though. Parts one and two were good as well, but they were more written in the lines of an Anime, and as much as I love Japanime, didn't exactly play the character individuality card all that much. Part two actually reminded me a bit of DBZ, crossed with Yu-Yu Hakusho, with a fair portion of Naruto thrown in for good mesure... But they were both still good as far as story and action are concerned.

But part 3... At first, I didn't know what to think, as, like I stated earlyer, I've never played WW before, took me by complete surprise, and threw me headlong into a great story that was rich in both character dept and good action. I even went to Wikipedia for a bit and looked up WW to kind of fill in the loose references I was clewless on. Nothing majorly important to the story or anything, just some basic facts, like the four sages, vs the 7 of OOT.

I almost thought that Captain Link and Hero of Time Link would duke it out to the death once the former was possessed by all the shadow egg things.. But, the ending was good nevertheless. I liked the person CL turned into over the corse of the story. He really did make me a bit angry at the beginning of the storry... You just knew that Link was going to whip him into shape.

Would have been nice to see some more mintioning of all the others though. Granted, it was all like 500 years in the future. But, Stalfler would have been remembered in one way or another... And the Faries... Where did they end up. They are imortal too. And, the Zoras? I mean, even if they weren't directly in the actual games univerce, your not honestly going to tell me that they wouldn't be thriving in an oceanic world? I mean, they would have practically loved it.
Given there history with the Hylians, it wouldn't be so much out of sight to se them go all egotistical. Yeah, Link and Rudo deffenatly were major role models in a sort of since, but after the disappearence of the Hero of time, and there quoms of the Zoran Should-Be queen, they would have taken to the seas in sheer joy, and to hell with the land crawlers...

But, those are just nitpickings. I'm not an overly critical reviewer. I just enjoy a good read with enough action to keep me amused, and enough depth to ballence it out, and, my friend, You supplyed both.

So, with that all being said, I would thank you for reading this review, and also thank you for coming up with such a vast story.

Also, some of the more philosofical lines in the story have given me pause to assess my outlook on things. The parts in part two to be more exact. The discription of Humanity as a hole, and it's many falts and horers, and it's over all empression on the natural order of the univerce fits my feelings most acuritly. Also, Links views on who a person should be, and how they should interact with those around them fits the person I stride to be every day of my life. Many correct words were said in this story, and I think anyone, even if not a Zelda fan at all, would binifet from reading this.
Anyways, It's late, and I'm most dreadfully tired. Thanks again for reading this, and for the past few days of amusement and higher thinking. Hope to see some more Zelda works from you in the future sometime...

Dude person chapter 2 . 8/15/2011
It was quite long.

I don't like Saria but that part was well written

When I heard Zelda died

I quit reading

ZeLink is implied in the books cartoon series

Games... It's obviously meant to be

So when she died I could not read any further
Bra1n1ac chapter 43 . 8/14/2011
-In response to previous...-

Regrettably, a fair helping of connections and good luck are needed to get published these days, regardless of how good one's writing is, but if you know a publisher who's interested in my work, please send them to my e-mail address, or send theirs to me.

With respect to how I wrote this story, there is a little of both. I did have an overall sense of how I wanted the story to go from the beginning, but some specifics (like Nyarokai's motivations) I didn't come up with until I was almost on top of them.

I consider this story to have two "endings," corresponding to the two defeats of Ganondorf, and I liked both of them; one for the action, and the other for its exploration of his character. Still, if you'd like to discuss what you weren't crazy about, send me a PM.
SDFLVNJSDFKVSNDFVKL chapter 44 . 8/9/2011
compared to the rest of the story, the ending was a bit underwhelming, but still far beyond most of the things i have read on this site. what i would personally recommend would be writing an original story and publishing it because you definitely have the creativity and the writing skill to do it. This is currently my favorite fic on the site and I hope to see another like it from you sometime soon (Just split it into three separate parts next time, i couldn't stand that.) also, i have a question, did you write the entire story at once or did you write it as you went along?

The story was very impressive, and though i was disappointed by the ending, that just shows that i liked it so much that i was unimpressed by something that would have otherwise been epic (sort of like windwaker to the zelda series). great work and keep it up, i look forward to reading more fanfiction (hopefully zelda) from you in the future.

-Robert Siegfried
Bra1n1ac chapter 44 . 8/8/2011
-In response to previous...-

Not sure what's next for me in terms of fanfiction. Have to wait for some new idea to strike me. In the meantime, I've got a few original works on Fictionpress that I still haven't finished posting, and I may go back and further edit some of the stories I've already got here. Don't have as much time on my hands as I used to, though.
Ghost Reader1996 chapter 44 . 8/7/2011
what will you work on now that this work of art is over i can only hope that you will create a new story that is just as good if not better
Evil Riggs chapter 2 . 8/6/2011
"What about Ruto Town? Should we warn them about the slathering undead horde just north of them?"

"Eh, screw those guys."

In all seriousness, this chapter catches my interest much more quickly than the previous section. The hook is simple but effective and you include some fairly compelling visual descriptions (light reflecting off buttons, the condition of undead peahats, etc.). I think that there are still pacing issues (the group reaches the ranch rather abruptly) and the whole deal could use more sensory detail other than the visual. You included some great details in the last chapter (the skeletal general's voice, for instance), so I know you have that ability.

I'm struck by the fact that Stalflare has more or less become the audience-association character. We're increasingly left out of Link's thoughts and plans - which is actually pretty effective. Since he's something of a cypher anyway, it's a good choice to let us closer to the sorcerer and Nalabal.

Off to the forest? Off to the forest.
Evil Riggs chapter 1 . 8/4/2011
Formidably lengthy. I suspect that a lot of prospective readers give up from fatigue before finishing this entire thing. It wouldn't be an issue in, say, book form. However, reading all fourteen-thousand words worth of chapter on a computer is a bit of a daunting task. I'd say you need to break it into smaller chapters, but the number of installments ahead of this one is such that it might be more trouble than its worth. Holy crap!

As for content: There's so much here that it's hard to comment on all of it. It's by turns very fascinating, genuinely exciting, genuinely dull, cliched, cheerfully novel, pedestrian, and compelling. Addressing every single plot point is impossible in a single review, but I'll try for the highlights:

-The prologue, while establishing your take on the much-vaunted "timeline issue" this fandom has, is largely extraneous. It could probably be excised with little effect on the overall story.

-On Stalflare: Making the sorcerer a "normal guy turned into a Gerudo by magic" is . . . odd. It feels awkward and, as of this moment, I don't see much point in it. Unless it's building to something later, I'd just make him a regular mage who fell in with the Gerudo. Maybe they kidnapped him for breeding purposes and decided to break tradition by keeping him around?

-My glazed over during the, "But a woman!" section on the pirate ship, then snapped to attention during the fight with Tetra. It's a well-described battle, especially in contrast with the rushed section of fighting that precedes it. Probably the highlight of the whole section.

-Despite being so long, there are moments here that feel rather rushed. The aforementioned battle through the pirate ship, for instance. In addition, the Ericsons are introduced abruptly and - after an admittedly in-depth fight - are dispatched just as quickly. There's an shonen anime feel to that sequence that, while pleasingly familiar, probably does the overall story no favors.

-Hell of a hook at the end. I'm kind of jazzed to see whether or not you actually killed Zelda off-screen. Probably not, but hey - one can always hope.

The amount of material left in this single story is utter goddamn madness. I'm definitely curious to see where you're going with all this. Good luck as it progresses!
James Birdsong chapter 84 . 7/19/2011
There is zero doubt the fifty chapters good according to most readers.
CEObrainz chapter 69 . 6/16/2011
I have been following this story for quite some time now and your regular updates makes this story so amazing. Even though they are quite short I enjoy them and I am able to read them in short amounts of time which is perfect whenever I am traveling from home to school and vise verse. Please continue to write this brilliant story. This could make an epic book though...
charland77 chapter 63 . 6/13/2011
yo i really liked your story, but just to let you know it was kinda too long but still it was a great story, hope you put up another story
Runzia chapter 58 . 6/9/2011
When I first started reading this I thought I would never be able to catch up, especially when you had, I think, about 50 chapters already up. However, I persevered and made it through! :) Now to the review!

This story so very awesome and totally epic! I've been playing the Twilight Princess for nearly a month now and felt nostalgia for OoT. Some I came here to find some LoZ fic that wasn't too bad. Luckily, I found yours and was blown away!

Story: Very, very good plots and twists. Fighting scenes got slightly tedious during the first and second parts of the story. It's okay to gloss over some bits sometimes than to be over descriptive. If we got through the 1st part of your story it's safe to say we're hardcore readers and have ample imaginations! :D

Great backstories, tightly written plot, all motivations and mysteries are clearly displayed. You've frankly fleshed out the LoZ and mythical Hyrule to point where this story will be my personal canon. :)

Characters: One of the best things about this story are characters. They're real and I can connect with them. They all have their own thoughts, feelings, and actions separate from each other. Most people don't know how to pull that off beyond the main and sub characters. All of your original and game characters are complex, intriguing individuals and could easily have fic written about them a part from this story.

Another thing that is fabulous is the gradual character development and how you're able to stay on top of it! Only peeve with this bit is, again, you should show more rather than tell.

Length: First point I want to make is, when first reading I wondered why each part simply hadn't had it's own story. It would make more sense to divvy up each part, but that's the way it is.

Second point, I love reading epic stories, but some of over descriptions of character's thoughts and fight scenes dragged me down a little bit and when I saw how many chapters I had to go, I became somewhat daunted by the prospect. However, as they went on it was easier to (exciting, even! lol) read and I knew it was probably going to be shorter chapters near the end.

Now they're ok, but a bit too short (I know, I know! Lol) but, I think if it take two or three (depending on flow and chapter subject matter) to put together ONE chapter. Like with part two of the story, I feel like the team's recovery should've had their own chapters, fighting scenes should've had their own, and Mark's scenes too. And when it was time to have he met with the team, all that could've been covered in the team recovery chapters!

But these are very minor picks compared to awesomeness of this story. As you can see I'm still reading it, still loving it, and still want you to continue writing it! Sorry, I'm so long-winded! LOL


Awesome story, awesome characters, sometimes too much fighting, sometimes over descriptive, some flow issues, but still so very awesome! :)

Guest chapter 65 . 5/13/2011
Okay thank you
Answer to Preceding Question chapter 64 . 5/12/2011
You don't need to be a true hero to lift the Master Sword; only to use its true powers. You can't have evil in your heart, of course, but I think we can all agree that even at his worst, the Captain always met that qualification. The powers of the Wind and Earth sages did influence the Master Sword to reveal a small portion of its powers to him, but their magic was not designed to work that way, and neither was the Master Sword. It's like the difference between using finesse to open a wine bottle, and just breaking the top off, getting glass everywhere. It requires less innate talent, and isn't as effective, but you do get some of what you were after.

Oh, and by the way. The next time you want a question answered, try reviewing from an account that allows people to reply to reviews, huh?
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