Reviews for Without You
Haricot-Vertes chapter 1 . 6/12/2010
Sorry I took so long to reply I forgot all about the prompt thing and I was so busy, I just noticed this because I was cleaning out my email inbox and since I haver you on author alert this near the back. xD

I really liked this though it was sad, I feel so sorry for poor Hunter. :( Shawn in leather pants...poor Hunter would never get a chance to rest he would have to fight people off left and right. Pretty sad ending, mostly because we don't know what happens after that, I just want to give Hunter a hug.

Good job on this and thank you a bunch for writing this!
RejectedShyRebel18 chapter 1 . 5/12/2010
wow _ awesome
takers dark lover chapter 1 . 4/23/2010
Poor Hunter he can't live withouy his Shawny Bear. Very sad.
JacktheSinister JaketheJust chapter 1 . 4/23/2010
Aw... Poor Hunter... he's so depressed without Shawn (like a lot of us) and he just can't get him off his mind... Cena's only trying to help out a little.. man he gets the crappy end of the stick sometimes...
Dark Kaneanite chapter 1 . 4/22/2010
Aww, I know Shawn's retirement had to hurt Hunter the most, you could just see it. Out of all the canon pairings, I think Vince shipped H and Shawn the hardest.

This was sweet, sad and hot all rolled into one, and I'm sorta glad that Cena called Shawn, even just hearing the person's voice is sometimes enough to help heal the wounds.
SaraHHH chapter 1 . 4/12/2010
That was a great one shot that I enjoyed a lot H/HBK is one of my fav pairings look forward to reading more of your work.
DrakarysxUnbroken chapter 1 . 4/10/2010
I'm playing catch up here so forgive me for taking so long. I'm trying to read everyone's fics and its been crazy LOL

First off I enjoyed this very much. And I just want you to know that even though JC-H are not being shipped in this, I squealed with delight knowing that the other common denominator in all my Shawn-Cena-Hunter fantasies was the one helping H get back to his room.

Loved the flashbacks which only added to the angst. And don't you worry about the writing because it was top-notch as usual ;)

Great job with these two. I'm so glad it wasn't the usual cliche crap that makes me dislike Shawter so much.
GrandpasGuitars chapter 1 . 4/9/2010
You really captured the kind of heartache I could only imagine anyone close to Shawn would feel, but especially Hunter, who has been closer to him than any other man. Even not as slash. And, well, this was so bittersweet- I smiled at the memories, but frowned when I realized Shawn was gone, not coming back.
NeroAnne chapter 1 . 4/9/2010

Awe, that was really cute. I loved the whole thing. So sweet and emotional! 3 3 3
HarleenAngel chapter 1 . 4/9/2010
Its really good tbh. But a few things kind of got me confused, like if Shawn and Hunter were togetrher were did the Steph and Rebecca came in? I remember Shawn and Hunter meeting eachother before they met their wifes, so dose it mean their having affairs? But if so dose the whole wwe know?

Maybe chapter 2?
Kermit The Yoda chapter 1 . 4/7/2010
I love this pairing. Not a huge fan of Trips unless he's with DX and Shawn. Oh how I will miss them.

Cena's a dildo! OMFG I love it! LOVE it!

Shawnneh's not wearing underwears!

Awe. Tripsy and Shawnneh need each other. They belong together more than Cody and Ted and Jeff and Mat...Mark.
TheMizMagnet chapter 1 . 4/7/2010
Cute and sad, but in the perfect combination. Great job!

.: TMM :.