Reviews for Girls vs Boys
littlehouse4evr chapter 5 . 11/20/2014
ASDA has some nice dresses, sometimes. XD
VesperBlackwell chapter 7 . 8/23/2014
Bloody hilarious! :D
xTeam-Carsmex chapter 4 . 12/5/2011
i'm loving the idea of a book-stealing fairy. i found it extremely funny ! :-P
farmgirl5665 chapter 7 . 6/5/2011
haha this story is soooo funny! :D i love your writing style! :)
bna208 chapter 7 . 4/13/2011
Bahahaha! This is jusst too good! I've always loved the stories battle of the sexist type of theme. And as always girls will win! I'm still laughing,,!
hermionejean79 chapter 7 . 4/10/2011
This was pretty funny(:
carlislelover23 chapter 7 . 12/1/2010
the story was so funny when carlisle had to take orders from esme and alice did eventurally won the bet was cool.
Whyterose yes me again chapter 6 . 10/1/2010
"Consider this the vampire equivalent of sleeping on the couch!" LOL!

I've always wondered how that would happen. The sleeping on the couch thing, I mean.
Whyterose chapter 3 . 10/1/2010
As of 2010, Rose and Emmett have been married 75 years, actually.

I love the way Rosalie thinks! I give Emmett maybe 12 hours. At most. Probably much less.
ilovedemetri chapter 1 . 8/31/2010
i just read this! hahah its sooo funny (: had me laughing the whole way through

good job (:
TorontoBatFan chapter 5 . 8/25/2010
This chapter had me howling with laughter...As this entire fic did. (I loved Edward returning and surveying the damage. It takes him seeing the wreckage of Alice's closet for him to realize how major this is).

At any rate, you are quite correct. Alice, would never, EVER, in a million years, even walk into a Walmart, let alone shop in one. I'm fairly certain that she would get hives just from walking past one.

I love Carlisle sitting in his bare office, awaiting her return. He came across like a Bond movie villain. LOL (Without his medical books there, he should have been reduced to reading a Harry Potter book. LOL For some reason, I think Carlisle would be fan.)

Carlisle and Esme DO act very much out of character in this fic. It does work for the story though. In reality, if they came home and saw what was happening, Carlisle would sigh loudly, rub his temple, take a couple of Excedrin (While vampires are immune from physical elements causing headaches, I suspect that his children could cause him enough stress to get them on occasion. LOL) and then order everyone to stop the insanity and apologize all around immediately.
Eibba chapter 7 . 8/24/2010
Ahaha, I loved this so much! It was brilliant and super-funny. Well done. (:
telephonegirl chapter 5 . 8/24/2010
what do I think of events so far welllllllllllllll i am rocking have phoned the bosses wife as found out she is a twilight addict too she read the lives and loves of carlisle and esme yesterday after I told her about you she loved it, she is reading as I am sending this to you also just as an aside read a powerless last night with the two daughter in-laws, think the story was really good you have got over all of the hopelessness they all felt at what E was going to do. Have just checked my in box and have a few letters to answer and then I see we have a new chapter to read so will do the work and then go happily back to fiction land, my husband thinks i have a real sad life but very pleased as he can go off to chess club and golf without my nagging. keep writing.
twilightlover chapter 7 . 8/18/2010
I for one loved your story. It was nice and funny and not to serious and sad like most of the stories are also. Also your story isn't meaningless and stupid like most of the stories are. GIRLS ROCK!
Eshele chapter 7 . 8/11/2010
lmao iloved this story! it just kept me laughing the whole time!
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