Reviews for Bruises
VongolaXII chapter 1 . 2/23/2012
Your story, is seriously the first story I favourited since I joined Fanfiction, and I remembered your story all the time.

I love this.

I love this..

I love this...!

You have no idea how yummy it was :) Make more XS fic please
Full buster chapter 1 . 2/19/2012
Very nice. I liked this a lot. The humor was well written too.

Why don't you write another XS? I'm curious to see what else you can do with this pairing.
Mukashibanashi chapter 1 . 2/17/2011
So very yunmy! Can't get enough of this pairing anyway, so thanks a whole lot for writing this 3

Hope I will find some more soon :$
Playoff17 chapter 1 . 7/7/2010
This is soo cool, wheres the next chapter! Please!
sweetsweet223 chapter 1 . 5/23/2010
whait where can i get the full sex seane?
Paradoxismminant chapter 1 . 4/13/2010
Most people write out the smut anyhow :) .

I liked. Very in character, I loved!
Dean Gabriel chapter 1 . 4/5/2010
I read this on LJ but I didn't have anything to say except what would sound retarded so I'll just say here I loved that I've been kinda XS deprived lately and your fic made me really happy xD Love the lemon too 83
Irrelevancy chapter 1 . 4/5/2010
*goes to check out lemon*

