Reviews for Impossible Things
ElizaJohnson chapter 10 . 12/9/2012
Oh, WHY couldn't this have been canon? I love Donna so much... Well-written, my dear.
Michael Dark chapter 10 . 10/20/2011
The story was great, one of the best, but I have to agree with PiecesOfSerendipity—I really didn't care for the ending. Its hard to believe that the resurrected Time Lady DoctorDonna, at the end of her first day would go home, crawl into bed next to Shaun, turn out the light and go to sleep. There is "low key," but this is really a strain.

Two other points:

I think that after a short time the Earth might start to feel small and restrictive to the new Time Lady; either that or she might alter history (for the best of motives) by applying her knowledge and abilities to address issues on Earth. Even though she has a Time Lord's memories she still has her own personality.

Based on the wedding scene in EoT2, I never thought much of Shaun. In fact, I tend to think of him as another Lance (without the spider). When they came out of the church, Donna showed her ring to everyone-she'd finally achieved her life-long dream of getting married. Not once in that scene did she touch, kiss or even stand by Shaun; not the way brides usually act. They tend to focus on their new husband. As Wilf put it, "she's getting by."

I assume he won her heart the same way Lance did, by being nice to her, just nice; something she didn't get from anyone else.

I always thought their marriage whould turn out badly-he squandered her money selfishly, ignored her for younger blonder women, and finally dumped her.

Otherwise a for me a great story, and the comments above certainly reflect my biases and prejudices—I've been in love with Donna ever since she said, "You can't hurt him, I won't let you!"
XSilval chapter 10 . 10/16/2011
Thank-you for this fic. I love it when Donna gets a better ending. :-)
Silvermoon of Forestclan chapter 10 . 5/15/2011
Yay! A happy doctordonna story~! Thanks for cheering me up!

Vilinye chapter 10 . 3/29/2011
Donna fixfic often ends with her remembering, or dying, but you managed to keep her in character after remembering-and you really surprised me with the girl being Jenny. I did not expect that at all.
carick of hunter moon chapter 10 . 7/30/2010
outstanding You should send this story idea to the BBC.
timano chapter 10 . 6/24/2010
The best Donna-recovery story I've ever read, I think! 10 out of 10 stars. No, better than that-20 out of 10 stars! (A fraction that's impossible in mathematics, but shows how much I loved your story!) And I enjoyed the interaction of Amy and Donna. Though you're right, two redheads in the Tardis would have been a bit much... (I have red hair too, btw.)


I look forward to the sequel, where Jenny and Donna track down the Doctor again together... or something like that. ;-)
PiecesOfSerendipity chapter 10 . 5/11/2010
Brilliant story - I love how you include the book and Jenny. Very good idea and (strangely enough as its the most obvious one) I've never read about this Donna-remembers-and-survives theory.

Crappy ending though. In case you didn't notice she's a time lord now? I imagine she'll live a bit longer than Shaun. Plus I'm wondering how he'll react to finding out she's a time lord... Also, it's like when the Doctor turned back into a time lord (remember the episode?) he was completely different from when he was human. Donna's part time lord now and probably changed a lot from the woman Shaun knows.

Your stories are pretty good in general, though. My favourite one is Beside You (I like how you linked into that in this story).
TaylorTheWeird chapter 10 . 4/21/2010
Absolutely outstanding story. Donna's my favorite of the Doctor's companions, and you got her personality completely spot-on. I'm definitely going to take a look at your other fics.

It drives me absolutely crazy that so much fanfiction about Donna out there is a romance, so many kudos for keeping the Doctor-and-Donna-are-just-best-friends-and-nothing-more status quo, as well as the same for Amy.

Over all, great job - I loved the story.
HiddenKoala chapter 10 . 4/2/2010
Oh, this was a great story. I mean, how Donna lived for so long feeling empty and then met Verity, and it all worked out. But that reminds me, Donna never got the Doctor to go and meet Verity! Poor Verity. But she'll survive. They all will, which makes me really happy :D Brilliant story!
areyoumymumie chapter 1 . 4/2/2010
I just love this story so far can't wait to see if the Doctor comes in to this or not. any way this story is so good I am finding it imposible to stop reading.