Reviews for Crimson Horizons: Rise of the Vampire Lords
EccentricRage chapter 49 . 7/2
...I am speechless and stunned at the amount of effort that went into the lore and world building of this story. Kudos to you for being so dedicated! I can't wait to read the next part of this series!

Thank you for sharing your writing!
Adrasteia Stark chapter 49 . 6/22
I really love this story, I couldn’t stop reading it. It’s so well written and so well thought out, I hope you put the sequel up soon!
Adrasteia Stark chapter 26 . 6/18
This is a really amazing story. It’s so detailed and truly captivating. I don’t think I’ve been so absorbed by any work of fan fiction before.
VryUnique chapter 30 . 5/3
You contradict yourself in some places. Edward knows that the myth of Atlantis is said to be 10,000 years old. He now believes he has been watching real visions of Bella’s past. So he knows that she is probably 10,000 years old but he still keeps wondering of her age.
And Edward knows she’s not pure because she has an 8th of Chaos in her, I thought this has been established. That she can not ascend because of this? Isn’t that we were shown? Why are we shown things thru Edward if he is not getting the same message we are getting through the visions? He is constantly asking the same questions and in the dark, again being dim witted. It doesn’t make sense. Calling her pathetic and that nobody would want her is evil and going to far. You don’t say that to someone you love. Maybe acting pathetic...? Not that you are.
She should have at least smacked the hell out of him.
She didn’t even ask about how he knows Helios. I got the impression that he was who she was waiting for in the boat at Atlantis, he is who died on the temple steps at Elysium. Seemed obvious to me. Why not to Edward? It was already clear to us that the one speaking to Edward, who looks like Edward is her lost love. What is wrong with him...?
VryUnique chapter 29 . 5/3
Of course it was Helios, always been Helios. We knew that since Edward first encounter with him and he should have known also, it has always been very obvious. I was so waiting for Edward to say his name at the end of this chapter. I pray he comes clean in the next. I can’t see any plausible reason why he has been keep this information from her. Why can’t bella hear Helios if but she can hear everybody else? Where is he? He said he was in darkness.
VryUnique chapter 28 . 5/3
I had thought that Edward was Bella’s love reincarnated. That they are of one soul but Helios said Edward reminded him or was like him, not that he was him. I was hoping bella got her love back but just replacing him doesn’t feel the same. I’m assuming Helios was her love and fled Atlantis with her in the boat. Then I assume they were both changed and the he lost his life in the attack on Elysium. Atlantis was maybe 10,000 years and now defeating Chaos is 8,000 so I assume Helios died in that time.
So the Vampire Lords can never reach the place they need to ascend because of the parts of Chaos they have in them? Did Helios ascend to the white shore when he died or is he someplace different? I’m assuming he is at the white shores because that seemed to be where Jasper was going when he almost died. But... Helios made comments of being in the dark which made me think he wasn’t there, unless he was talking about his state of mind.
VryUnique chapter 27 . 5/3
I’m really wondering who bella is and if she is someone who was named. I wish I payed more attention to each name and all that was said about each. I noticed she still wasn’t called by name in this chapter but her word seemed to final.
VryUnique chapter 26 . 5/3
Wow...humans crucified Jesus or who some said to be the son of god. I’m sure many were crucified at this time for many different crimes. I’m unsure of why this would make an ancient hate humanity. Unless Bella was Religious and Christian I’m not understanding the vampire aspect. I am Christian so I understand the horrible thing that was done but just trying to understand from a vampires POV. Humans and vampires have all done horrible things, some are good and some are bad. Millions of Christians have been killed over the centuries for just being Christian. Sorry, just not making the connection for the hate of humans from that one act even as atrocious as it might have been to Christians.
VryUnique chapter 25 . 5/2
I guess Victoria is in Seattle. I hate that Edward is keeping things to himself without any real reason for it.
VryUnique chapter 24 . 5/2
In the books they would have never killed a lion with cubs. I guess bella has a point to make so you put it in but it was sad.
Having fears and being naive isn’t so bad but being a coward...? I don’t see any coming back from that one, that was a low blow. Bella feels these traits are very strong so they can be turned around, makes no sense. Not only is Edward a coward he is a big strong coward. I would think the more strong the harder they would be to turn around.
Lost me at the end. I thought for sure the vampire who could bend the trees was Bella’s lost love who is Edward reincarnated but it ended up being a woman...?
Enjoying story.
VryUnique chapter 23 . 5/2
Bella said straight out that she didn’t want them to know about the gargoyle because vampire instinct would be to hunt. When Edward retold the story he was unsure of Bella’s reasoning.
Edward should have said to Victoria that James couldn’t be saved since he was already gone instead of leaving it unsaid. I guess there will be two options where Victoria is concerned. She goes to the Volturi and they get involved or she realizes bella has an affection for Edward and goes after him.
VryUnique chapter 18 . 5/2
Edward seemed to know why they came back but I’m in the dark. I would think they would run as far away as they could get once they saw that thing take down Laurent. Maybe they don’t know Laurent is dead. Maybe they came back to play games with the Cullens or Bella.
VryUnique chapter 17 . 5/2
VryUnique chapter 16 . 5/2
Sleeping spirit... reincarnation? Was Edward Bella’s love 10,000 years ago? He soulmate, maybe?
VryUnique chapter 15 . 5/2
I hope it’s not the gargoyle.
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