Reviews for Black Moon
littlefoxling101.2 chapter 1 . 5/22/2013
Type your review for this chapter here...
deathroman13 chapter 9 . 10/2/2011
Yet again a fantastic chapter :D

I am really curious about the rest of the story.
deathroman13 chapter 8 . 8/29/2011
Lovely chapter :D

I really can't wait for the next. This is one of the best stories on the whole fanfiction site :)
deathroman13 chapter 7 . 8/10/2011
Wow, this is really great.

You should be a professional writer for sure :).

You are like the next Edgar Allen Poe.

I've also read some other stories of you and they are all amazing.

I hope you update soon cause this is really good and I want to read more :D.
TenIsTHEDoctor chapter 5 . 6/9/2011
This is very good so far! :D I'm really enjoying this. Can't wait for more!

xoxo Much Love, Britt

P.S. A bit more Stephen (love the name btw) maybe? I've always liked the connection he and Ichabod have in the movie.
wolfnymph1 chapter 1 . 6/6/2010
vampire more -then -likely
Questionable Luck chapter 1 . 5/26/2010
I like the fact that this doesn't have chapters, it's short and to-the-point. The dialogue and details were extremely accurate and the descriptions were vivid. I ESPECIALLY liked the fact that no one specifically SAYS that the vampires are the culprits, so the readers have to use their subconscious inference-ing.
CoCo chapter 1 . 4/9/2010
Sweet, Occhi! You're a writing machine. I love when you bring another set of cards to the table. Not quite sure where the night will bring the players but its always an exciting ride. Does this mean "Obituary" is on hold? I was enjoying the character study for Ichabod. But exploring him as a father figure is just as intriguing. Keep up the good work.