Reviews for A Darker Chocolate
MermaidPUNK chapter 24 . 9/28/2018
Back again for my bi annual reread of this masterpiece fic #2018stillstrong
It's a genuinely a devastatingly holy experience
Thanks for that
Guest chapter 5 . 11/19/2015
I don't understand the Demon language :/ is it a bunch of cuss words? Other than that I LOVE the story
Yamino Tenshi 202 chapter 24 . 2/17/2014
I have to tell you: I remember first reading this story when there was only 2 chapters out. I have finally found your story again. I am very pleased and my heart is singing in the metaphorical sense. Your story is written very well, though the Demon tongue is strange at times. Can't wait to hear how this story will continue :3
Natoya chapter 24 . 2/15/2014
Pfffffft, Omg I am crying! XD This is great!
dragonlady222 chapter 24 . 2/14/2014
There is so much misinformation going through heaven and hell. Out of this comes the horror stories. I love it, I wonder where Yami is hiding?
The Queen of Plot Twists chapter 24 . 2/14/2014
that was funny!
happy valentine day this is a bit of a interlude chapter
Of course Yugi's birthday is valentines day and the demoan see it as the time when the hypervigirin becomes so powerful he screws up their sex lives and thus its their greatest day of fear! that is hysterical! 8 months in heaven equals 362 earth years so 362 yrs times 12 months in a year equals 4344 months divided by 8 heaven months so 1 month in heaven equals 543 earth months or 45 1/4 yrs. i lots of time. Glad yuig enjoyed his birthday he deserves it since es gonna have to deal with all the crap if this story soon I was half expecting him to demand for his brithday the freedom of his husband demon Yami and everyone is so shocked the pass out! XD but still awesome! wondeful update chi! I miss you!
Mana's Madness chapter 24 . 2/14/2014
It's almost 1AM, and I was desperately trying to avoid pissing myself laughing. I'm pretty sure now that Yuugi has some weird kinda dessert fetish, and Duke's return... Ahaha, I always look forward to his lines. Can't wait for the next chapter o3o
TexasDreamer01 chapter 24 . 2/14/2014
Mana's Madness chapter 23 . 2/1/2014
Wow. This story... No freaking words! It's... Umm... Brilliant? Seriously, every chapter is hilarious, and you somehow made Ushio seem likeable, and Mana seem irritating. Seriously, how do you do it?! Can't WAIT for the next chapter. Poor Yami's constantly suffering, it'll be interesting to see how he gets out of this one, and how long it'll take before he can get his 'strange and confusing feelings' in order. XDDDD
dragonlady222 chapter 23 . 1/30/2014
This was kind of funny. Poor Yami and Yugi. They need someone to listen and actually hear what they are saying, not what the others perceive. What is really funny is I just told my boss that very thing. He listens but he doesn't hear. They are in the same boat so to say.
The Queen of Plot Twists chapter 23 . 1/29/2014
Hey chi! i always love seeing these updates the tirle for this sums up this whole story! poor Yugi! he's in love with yami and heabroken and everyone things yami is a monster excet him and they're all idiots! its really funny seeing just how ignorant they all ae thinking Yami is somehow making them all disagree!
XD i mean really!
i felt bad for joey he lovs yug as a best friend and can't see he's only making yugi suffer: i DIED when yugi admitted he loved Yami and fainted.
God i wanna kill usho he's such an idiot. I wonder what Mahado plans to do? i love the guy so i don't want to jump ship/ I almost hope THE manages to get to heaven somehow and act as Yami's lawyer since the only witness is Mana who The could totally break her logic that yami is evil just cause he's a demon since she could also argue that since Mana is a nun and Mana is a brat all nuns are brat.
and of course Yugi can't anywhere near Yami.
Its really funny seeing hoe the reality crashes with how everyone acts in this world. I'd almost rathr be in hell than heaven cause in heaven everyone is so prim and proper and so rather pretend than acknowledge where as in hell at least they know how to shake things up.
Natoya chapter 23 . 1/29/2014
I adore this story, and I'm so happy to see you're still updating it. X3 I get so happy every time I see an update, because this story is one of my favorites. Wonderful chapter, can't wait for the next!
TexasDreamer01 chapter 23 . 1/28/2014
Wondering if Mahado's going to pawn off some of his responsibilities for the case onto Ushio. If only to preserve the scotch.
Determined-Day-Dreamer chapter 5 . 10/19/2013
Oh, God, this is HILARIOUS! XD

I love the story so far. Time to read more :D
Natoya chapter 22 . 10/14/2013
Nooooo, he caught Yami! D: I am so glad to see an update for this story, because it's one of my favorites! X3 Can't wait for the next chapter!
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