Reviews for Never Come Back
somersault-j chapter 17 . 11/24/2019
This verse. This whole verse. Killed me. Jesus. Thank you so much. Honestly.

This third part was, again, absolutely perfect. Missy coming back, how she searched for Dean. Loved seeing Hudak again. AND CASTIEL, the most protective, the love he clearly had for Dean. LOVED THAT SO MUCH. And Sam and the demon blood.

I loved your last paragraphs. The parallels between Dean and Cas and Sam and Ruby. The faith they have respectively. Absolutely brilliant.

sunshine102897 chapter 17 . 2/23/2017
Your writing is honestly amazing. And boy, do you know how to kick Dean while he's down. I'm not into Destiel, but the Cas and Dean friendship is the best and I really loved how you portrayed it here. Cas picked up the slack from Sam and really cared about Dean. Bless you for keeping Bobby and Kathleen in there the whole time. They are amazing. Thanks for writing!
Desiree1717 chapter 17 . 11/9/2016
BlitzStrika chapter 15 . 10/20/2016
I was right!
BlitzStrika chapter 11 . 10/19/2016
What if she is actually missy?
Biancachu chapter 17 . 10/5/2015
Just finished reading this at your lj but couldn't help leaving a review here too. Great story.
Nadamalki chapter 17 . 10/27/2013
Wow! You have such a way of writing, your words leave me drowning in goosebumps! Love how you connected your Woods story along with Dean's time in the Pit... you got skills that kills!
Wisdomwielder chapter 2 . 3/19/2013
This goes for all your stories, but God... you are a master of dialogue, description, and perfect characterization. It's just unbelievable...
Guest chapter 17 . 1/5/2013
After rereading this I realized I never reviewed the first time. So I'd like to thank you for putting into words a lot of my feelings on why Sam did what he did. I could never quite understand his reasonings for acting that way. It seemed petty and childish. But you've giving him some more depth of emotion that I never considered. Characterization is an important part of any story and when done right it is another way to understand the why's and whatfores. This story has touched and angered me equally. I enjoyed your chacterization of Castiel also. At least someone was looking out for Dean without judgement. All in all an enjoyable read for me. Again.
Lbdba chapter 17 . 5/2/2012
Hey, its been a very long time. I reviewed practically every chapter for one of your other stories. I've been away from this site for a long time just because things happened definitely not in my plans. Anyway, just wanted to let you know how much I love this one, just as much as the others. I'm addicted to Dean hurt/angst and love it when we can actually see Sam finally realize all that Dean has gone thru. You do it so well. Just had a feeling I would love this one so instead of reading it online, I printed it off so I could read it in the comfort of my bed, which is why I did not review every chapter. I read the whole story first and wanted to let you know, it is the best. Wish you could do a whole book on this subject. I'd buy it!

Lila Cross chapter 17 . 4/16/2012
Oh. Just oh. Am I done? Do I get a star for making it all the way through this 'verse? Author, I adore your writing, but it hurts. It all just still hurts.

The words we last hear from Sam's mouth... I just don't understand how you do it, because I know, we all know, what happens at the end of Season 4, and still those words made the dread just twist in my gut.

And the way you presented Castiel here, as a balm to Dean- succour and solace in both reality and his dreams. *sighs the sigh of the hopeless shipper

I know you're probably knee-deep in Redemption Road business at the moment and I'm sure real life constantly tugs at the hem of your shirt as well, but I'm going to be presumptuous and make a request. No! Let's think of it as me attempting inception.

Write the boys coming into happiness? Write them hale, and whole, and describe the growth that being at peace can bring? Pain is illuminating, but can't pleasure be as well? I know that most people would call that fluff... and say that you can't write a story without conflict. That's not what I'm asking for, though. It's only... I'm ever more afraid that the canon we're left with for these characters in the end will be more of the same- pain and devastation with only a silver lining of faith, hope and love so thin it could pass through the eye of a needle.

Can you make them happy?

If anyone could do it, it would be you.

I'd settle for any version of these characters finding contentment, but if you did it in this 'verse... maybe I could stop staring blankly at the bottom of my kitchen sink at 6 in the morning wondering what it would take to heal Dean after all of this has been said and done.

And before I go, thank you for leaving that note for me in the last chapter of Never Come Back (silly me- I forgot to log in!), but thank you even more for letting these stories remain up. My life is richer for having read them. (And if feeling that way about fanfiction is wrong... in the immortal words of Becky Rosen writing Sam: "Then, I don't want to be right.")
Lila Cross chapter 15 . 4/16/2012
If Missy Bender isn't three kinds of dead before this story is over, I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight. Not even anywhere close to exaggerating, author.
Lila Cross chapter 13 . 4/16/2012
I had hoped it wasn't... but it is... isn't? Missy?

Oh, God.
ohgravitysonfire chapter 17 . 8/6/2011
"No one's taking my brother away from me again," he breathes.

well ain't that a scary parallel line!


the pure and wonderful characterization you had between Castiel and Dean and of Castiel in general is what makes his character in canon so damn beautiful! and if they don't redeem said character in season 7 i will be thoroughly pissed!

and Ruby dying was my fave canon death lol.

great job with this story bb and good luck with all your writing feats :)
ohgravitysonfire chapter 15 . 8/6/2011
totally called it...and son of a 13 itch omg!
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