Reviews for Loving Learning
TL-97 chapter 6 . 9/30/2013
You know, in reading/reviewing this I realized that this actually happens to be your longest completed story so far. Your incomplete ones may well be longer but for a completed and posted story this is the one. And it was an early one at that, I can see why you were proud to get it done. I actually considered doing a chapter by chapter review but I think I got enough important parts down.

Where to start.. Well obviously with the concept in general. It's a fairly common theme I think, a teenage high school romance with a fellow student, study partner, tutor. I don't think that takes away from the story, it's quite a common thought and even experience for many people I'm sure. Even myself that have had mostly all home schooling have imagined this kind of thing in the past before. So I think it's very much relevant and even fitting for the characters here too. I like the concept basically, it might be simple and classic but it quite effective. The way you made their relationship gradually become closer and showed some of those really key moments is great too. Though maybe it's totally obvious and meant to be that way, but to me it seemed like there was very much an immediate attraction between the two even if they didn't think much about it at first. From Zexion not getting angry at being touched so early on, to Demyx being nervous at his first lesson with Zexion, etc. It seems pretty clear to me that they kind of liked each other already. I did find it funny how Demyx ran all over the school and didn't think to check the library first. XD I guess you could have done a lot more gradual build up but I understand why you did the time skip, you had enough material later and it could have become redundant if your drug it out too long.

Before I continue in a somewhat linear fashion though I just have to mention your signature personality/humor in the notes and intros/exits you write. I love your sense of personality that went along with this story and those parts were always so much fun to read too. You kept it light, and funny, and motivated. It was just a joy to kind of step back and see how you did something you loved those years ago. One interesting point was how you mentioned writing this story late nights into early mornings. Which I know is often your time for writing now. And I can't forget your little inner monologue with Zexion before the start of chapter 5. XD I don't think I've see you do that in your other works yet, but it was just kind of interesting how you handled it. I think this even went as far as into the narration as well to a point, with some switching styles and POVs, Axel as an announcer. XD It just seemed very lively and varied, which may not go over well with some people, I don't know, but I liked it.

Anyhow, looking at lips, like in the beginning of chapter 3, that bit was awesome. I can imagine what that's like.. and well, if you're looking to inspire feelings in your readers you succeeded. XD You'll see me say this several more time in this review. Nicely done there, and again a key point in the development and transformation of their feelings. I wonder though was there ever really a question in Demyx's mind that he was gay? He seems to question it when knowing that he likes Zexion. I just thought he had already known that beforehand, but I might have just been questioning if that was to become a larger element or not.
Their respective loneliness from being apart when Demyx became sick was rather touching, lots of emotions explained there, and it kept things feeling real. This was also the point when the story did begin to shift to Zexion's perspective a little more. Also Zexion's street clothes "Did he want to torture him?". XD Very well said. Again I can imagine, and it's just bold, honest, suggestive, true, and even a bit humorous in your clever way of writing. XD

Really though, Zexion's shyness at their real first date/kiss was quite a fluffy detail. I can often find such concepts very cute and endearing. So I really liked that whole setup. And the way it lead up the kiss later, the kiss that felt so right, the kiss of equals it seemed to suggest... Another scene that inspires a lot of feeling. Did I mention I love the way you write kissing? XD
Random note, Sora an his keys. XD I just had to, I wasn't expecting that. Good stuff.
Going far enough into the future to their graduation and beyond wasn't something I expected either, but it wasn't totally surprising. But the public kiss at the graduation ceremony, so bold. XD I can see how that would have a lot of meaning though and be something that's very loyal and exciting for lovers. I wonder, in your mind, what did Axel do after the ceremony anyway? And was he in some way breaking the fourth wall when he mentions SoRiku and Zemyx? XD It kind of seemed that way but I'm not sure.
It's interesting that you bring in some sense of conflict and distress before the end as well. I suppose that's just sort of the natural progression of a story like this. I honestly would be very interest to know how and why you implemented it in this way though? With Zexion going to college and Demyx not wanting to be separated from him. The thought in general is kind of cute the way you presented it, I'm mostly interested in how this applies in a broad sense here to the story structure, it surly involves more complex emotions right up to the end. I am curious what Zexion was actually studying at college though? And at first I was totally like "what is Xemnas' angle?...". Then later "Oh.". XD But more on that in a bit.

"Nothing was worth more than this togetherness" Quite possibly my favorite part in this story, That's just really heartwarming and beautiful. I was totally feeling that, great work. I have to say though the build up to the lovemaking scene later was probably even better than the climax to it. The setting, the emotional intensity and romantic passion in their actions, the way it progressed before even getting to the bedroom, the undressing. It was all quite good but I do almost feel like the end was a bit rushed in this part. I do wonder what a longer version of chapter 5 would have been like myself now.
It was kind of a twist to have Demyx there in town to have the chance to visit with Zexion at college. But it that hadn't been the case that whole scene with Xemnas wouldn't have gone down like it did. I think that was kind of the point though to have that issue resolved even with Demyx there. It's curious though, that I think this is the only story of yours I've read that had a sort of more major rival to the affection of the main couple. Even if you didn't take it too far here, it was a different element than I've seen in your writing. And the way Zexion handled everything from that, Xemnas and the others, actually does kind of remind me of you, the thoughtful quietness, unshakeable loyalty, few words at times but true depth of feeling. I could say the same about his character in many other situations too though, since I know you can relate to him in a way.
The story as a whole did get longer by the end chapters. And the ending was pretty sweet, Zexion doing so much to be with Demyx. That togetherness stayed with them all the way to the end. Well done.

All in all I really enjoyed it if you couldn't tell. XD I guess there were some missing words, word usage errors and such. But I can easily overlook all of that. This review really did become more long winded than I thought I guess, so I better wrap this up. I got to get to bed too. XD I'm sure there's enough questions there as well. Great work on this, do more when you can.
Sunshine-aki chapter 3 . 9/9/2011
Dont try to deny it zexy! zexy loves demmyyyx, zexy looves deeemyx!
Akarui Siren chapter 6 . 11/9/2010
~ *isnt much interested about XemSai but aniwaes* More? X'D
Icepaw3 chapter 6 . 6/6/2010
That was such a good ending. I was surprised when Zexion decided tobe Demyx's manager. I didn't even think about that. This was really good!
mukyu chapter 6 . 5/14/2010
that was really really cute! i cant wait for XemnasSaix fic fo come out!
youngnozomi chapter 6 . 4/25/2010
This story is simple and sweet. Not a lot of those out there. Still it's good. Well great job and I hope to hear from you again.
dark and light heart chapter 5 . 4/15/2010
update soon! it's awesome!
Kiba94 chapter 4 . 4/5/2010
Make Zexion the seme. I mean, Demyx is a bit too...goofy I guess? to be a seme. I dunno.
Hipular chapter 4 . 4/4/2010
Zexy should totally should be seme! Thats my opinion anyways.
Espresso Marie chapter 3 . 4/2/2010
I really like this! I like the idea of Demyx actually succeeding in school. I can't stand it when people make him I'm glad you wrote him that way. As far as mechanics go, I just found some clarity issues, such as in the beginning when Demyx questions his sexuality, "At least he used to" made me think that he was gay before but then became straight. Other than that, I really liked it, and I can't wait for the next chapter!
DelightfulHearts chapter 1 . 3/29/2010
i really really really love this :D