Reviews for Hello, Sunshine
Guest chapter 19 . 6/28
Great Writing!. I just got to watch Merlin in 2020 loved Authur and Guinevere. Season 5 destroyed me terrible ending, and what the writers insinuated in the final scene between Merlin and Arthur was bull. I hope you continue the story for the new veiwers.
ATV chapter 19 . 5/12
I'm finally all caught-up!

Oh man, this Christmas party really seems like it's building toward something - all this tension all the drunkenness cannot add up to anything good. I'm excited to see how it all unfolds!

The scenes between Merlin and Morgana are still a highlight, and I can't wait to see where that goes. I love that they're the ones helping each other get through their respective trauma. Hoping you can find the time to write a new chapter whenever you can :)
ATV chapter 18 . 5/12

Beautifully written chapter! Your writing captures the characters' pain expertly - I'm just astounded by how good the dialogue is. I honestly felt the depths of Merlin's despair as I was reading - the poor guy :(

The almost-friendship between Lance and Gwen is such a fascinating dynamic. I really like their friendship a lot. Also, the whole scene with Gwen and Arthur's mother, where she started saying "it was all my fault" - I was just like "Oh shit! What is going on?!" Damn, you really built suspense here! I love this story so much.
ATV chapter 17 . 5/11
Well, looks like it only took a few more thousand words for everything to go south, haha. Poor Gwen! But like... she should just tell Arthur everything? I know she doesn't want to burden people, but this is a pretty big deal and he would obviously just try to help her with everything. C'mon Gwen!

Freya's final scene had me tearing up, and the dialogue between Merlin and Morgana felt so real and raw - I hate that Merlin has to go through this, but I loved the way you wrote that scene.

I know I have an irrational love of the evil characters, but more Nimueh please! I love her icy stares and the vengeance in her eyes. Can't wait to read what happens next!
ATV chapter 16 . 5/11
Wonderful chapter! The Gwen/Arthur scenes in particular were really great. You're right! Things are just a little too happy now - Gwen better enjoy this while she can because things can't possibly stay this good for long lol.

The Freya scenes were absolutely heartbreaking. Like, she knows the whole time she's not going to any ball tonight but just doesn't have the heart to tell Merlin or her friends. Devastating :(

Loved the Morgana and Gwen scene at the beginning - Gwen advising Morgana and encouraging her is right on theme, and Morgana needs to hear this from someone outside her family. Also, I love how Freya def does NOT ship Lance/Gwen... she even told me "just because you love someone doesn't mean it's meant to be." Like damnnnn! Also LOL'ed at "You probably think pheasant is an exotic bird" - Vivian, you are delightful. Never change.
ATV chapter 15 . 4/27
The family is back together! It was interesting seeing Gwen not at her best self and seeing how that materializes. I love when you delve into characters' psyche and really analyze who they are and why they act the way they act. This is one of the things you do best in your story, and it's so enjoyable to read.

I also just love how Freya really gives no f's anymore. She was making Morgana so uncomfortable by being so honest and blunt, and I just really loved that whole interaction. It will be so sad to loose Freya - she's such a wonderful character.
ATV chapter 14 . 4/26
Oh no - Mordred destroyed Gwen's only family photo! Well, I knew everyone was getting just a little too chummy. Arthur really shouldn't have been leaving Mordred unattended when the child clearly had vengeance written in his eyes.

LOL at Vivian seeing Leon's kid and literally running away. It's like in Flash where Wally was like "uhh, I gotta go now."

Feel so bad for Freya and Merlin. I know her death is inevitable, but man I feel for them.

Looking forward to seeing the fallout from Mordred's little stunt. I don't think she'll actually quit - they can like glue the picture back together, right?!
ATV chapter 13 . 4/26
The butler did it!

But seriously - great chapter! I especially like that it was Gwen who ultimately saved herself. Man, Mal was so creepy... Definitely interested to learn more about Gwen's parents and their relationship to the Pendragons.

Good to see that Lance's change of heart. I thought the scenes with him and Arthur working together had a really interesting dynamic. Lance truly does care about Gwen, which is really sweet (even though I'm still definitely team Gwen/Arthur).

Can't wait to read more!
ATV chapter 12 . 4/26
So much I loved about this chapter. The Merlin and Morgana scene was very touching - I'm wondering what Morgana is going to do for Freya. Is her idea for Merlin and Freya to have a wedding?

Vivian is back! You know I irrationally love this character.

Didn't see the kidnapping coming at all! I guess things were getting too happy, lol. Have to mess all of that up somehow. Can't wait to read the next chapter and to see what happens!
ATV chapter 11 . 4/25
I loved so much about this chapter - all the Modred/Gwen scenes were really sweet. It's great to see Mordred warming up to her.

The Morgana/Merlin relationship is interesting and I'm really curious to learn more about their history and see them interact more.

Even though I was initially annoyed at Lance for interrupting Gwen, Arthur, and Mordred's day, I thought this was a great chapter for him. I hope he decides not to betray Gwen! Also, wth is in the folder?! It better not be some kind of ankh with a rolled up piece of paper inside haha
ATV chapter 10 . 4/22
Dear God, can Arthur just be honest and tell her about the tabloid? It's not as though Gwen is some kind of fragile flower who can't handle anything.

Great chapter! I loved the whole date - the dialogue between them was so sweet :) Love Mordred's character development and seeing him do things for other people! Looking forward to the next chapter!
ATV chapter 9 . 4/22
Loved this chapter!

Arthur/Gwen is out in the open now! So excited to see what happens next. I love how intense Arthur is ("Pendragons don't stop until they get what they want") and how dramatic Gwen is ("I've become a loose woman!).

I really like Morgana encouraging Gwen to let out her anger. I'm also pretty sure Morgana is Arthur/Gwen shipper #1.

The Merlin/Freya scenes are really sweet. I like Freya a lot - she's so level-headed. Excited to move onto Chapter 10!
ATV chapter 8 . 4/22
Lancelot done messed up! Really? "Men like him never date people like you?" His days are numbered. That's all I'm saying.

Mordred defeating the bullies was my favorite part of the episode! That was a great moment :) I'm done with Alvarr - good riddance. I hope Morgana finds someone who isn't trash - so sad that she thinks she's broken and screwed up. She needs someone who appreciates her and sees her value.

Great chapter! I can't wait to read more!
ATV chapter 7 . 4/21
Such a great installment. I'm always here for more Vivian!

Excited to see Gwen and Mordred's plan to get back at the bullies! (Owain is my favorite though. No words, just violence).

Some wonderful Arthur and Gwen dialogue this episode! So happy to see them opening up to each other. The engraved iphone was a really thoughtful gift.

Is Alvarr alright? This mofo be lurking in dark rooms muttering to himself. Like, is he okay though?!

So excited for the next chapter. This is such a great series!
ATV chapter 6 . 4/21
Great chapter! Really rooting for Mordred and Annie. I hope she likes the drawing!

Lance kind of reminds me of Juliet from Season 3 of Lost - unwillingly working as a double agent. I think his feelings for Gwen are genuine. Whoever is on the other end of the phone is obviously blackmailing him or something.

Was great to finally see Morgana in person. Alvarr seems pretty sketch tho. I can't wait to see what happens next!
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